"gender representation" is not and has never been the goal. Everyone who says "who cares" or "muh slippery slope" is missing the forest from the trees.
There is a cultural zeitgeist change going on right now and no corner of media or culture is exempt. Progressives are religious zealots who want their dogma to reach 100% societal coverage. People will say I am a conspiracy theorist, but there doesn't have to be any grand plan to make this happen. No ant in an ant hill knows what the others are doing, they just go along smelling each other's assholes and vomiting in each other's mouths. That's SJWs in a nutshell.
So SJWs and feminists approach the industry by lying to appeal to their self-interest. They say:
-Gamers are 50% female (a very cooked statistic)
-Your customers are 95% male
-Therefore by appealing to women you will double your sales!
It only makes sense if you don't think about it too hard; it's based on the absurd idea that companies have authority over their audience. Just decide you want women to buy your game and "poof!" sales will flow. But the number of women playing candy crush on their phones has no effect on Call of Duty sales and there are unlikely to be any converts. Game companies have known this for years but it is considered both morally and economically desirable to have a female audience (women spend more) so companies are always eager for potential low-cost, high reward fixes. SJWs promise these easy fixes; just make some "small adjustments" to your designs and you will gain a huge market share. People are right to point to things like "pronoun choice," because these are indicators of deeper problems. The small adjustments usually lead to larger, more drastic adjustments, and usually kill the game, the company, or even the entire industry.
The prescription from SJWs to game companies has been as follows:
-Make your games piss easy (because women don't like challenge). Add super-easy mode where failure is actually impossible. Don't shame players for picking easy mode, and don't reward players for picking harder modes.
-Games should avoid direct violence and encourage non-violent play. Violent male characters should be tormented and traumatized by their terrible actions. Only utterly psychopathic men will enjoy violence. Women should never be the target of violence in any circumstances.
-Romance options should be included, especially homosexual. All men should be presumed bi. These romances must be non-traditional, never according to some patriarchal custom (no asking a woman's father for permission to court her), even if it would be normal in the setting of the game. Ancient Romans, space aliens, and fantasy dwarves must each show the same high regard for the sexual revolution.
-Add female playable characters, preferably as the lead. If gender can be chosen, make female the default choice. They should be as masculine and as unfeminine as possible. They should be homely and dressed in drab, non-revealing, genderless attire. They should act and behave like stereotypical "macho" men. This means being crass, rude, arrogant, foul-mouthed, aggressive (especially sexually), violent, prone to anger, and unwilling to cooperate, compromise, or follow others. They should always have the best plans and ideas and their goals should always be successful. They should never be shown to be inferior to men or have any disadvantages whatsoever, either in the underlying game mechanics or in how the character is portrayed socially within the game.
-Avoid all normal gender roles. Women should never be helpless or dependent on men. Women should be represented at all levels of society, especially traditionally male-dominated areas such as leaders and warriors. These women should be hyper-competent and equal or superior to their male peers. All female characters should be respected and emotionally validated. Female villains should be sympathetic; either victims of evil men or society. No woman should ever be shown as an abject failure, as an irredeemable villain, or eager to get married, start a family, or be a normal housewife.
-"Diverse" characters should be spread liberally throughout the game, including blacks, gays, muslims, and trannies. They must be in prominent positions and not pure background characters or mooks. They must be shown in a positive light and the player must be made to explicitly acknowledge their identity (no saying "Dumbledore was gay" after the fact).
-The only exceptions to the prior two rules should be if the game is portraying a historically traditional setting (though this is becoming an unacceptable excuse) or if the society is specifically dystopian and is meant to show the evil of non-progressive societies. In this case the game must specifically call out and condemn the traditional behavior and show it as an unforgivable crime against humanity.
-The player character must never be allowed to criticize, complain about, or condemn any progressive ideal. For instance, they should never be allowed to choose dialogue options saying homosex is gross or divorce is bad for society. Any character who does speak such heresies must be shown as the worst sort of villain, never a hero or on the good guy's team.
-Companies must police their online and multiplayer communities. Any player who complains about or criticizes any of the above rules must be banned for "safety" reasons and to make the community "inclusive".
-Companies who do not follow these rules, criticize them, complain about SJWs, or otherwise refuse to accept this agenda must be publicly shamed and condemned. They must not be given any press coverage and their games should be given low review scores.
-Companies should be constantly tested and policed to ensure they maintain a "commitment to social justice." Even without any obvious violations of the rules, failing to actively praise progressive values is a violation.
-Companies will submit to periodic, random, and repeated inquisitions for anti-SJW thought criminals. If found, these thought-criminals must be immediately fired, disavowed, shamed, and permanently blacklisted. The company will be deemed in severe violation of the rules just for hiring them, even if they follow all other rules to the letter. They will be required to offer many sacrifices to the progressive cause in the form of financial donations, affirmative action hiring, and anything else the SJWs deem necessary.
Each one of these individual rules can be dismissed with "who cares," but when you put them all together you'd have to cram your head in the sand to ignore it. The slippery slope is real and we are rapidly sliding down it. All of these agenda items are either in progress or have been achieved; for example, notice how beautiful women have virtually disappeared from western gaming in the last few years. It's not an accident.
The key behind a lot of these rules is they rely on social pressure to intimidate companies into compliance. If you just tell the SJWs to fuck off, they have no power.
Of course many people will notice that most of the above rules have little to nothing to do with appealing to women and are very unlikely to boost sales. Getting more women into gaming is not the real goal, it's just a convenient lie to implement their agenda. Their goal is to vomit their dogma into everyone's mouth, everywhere, at all times; and to a lesser extent they want to ruin men's fun. It's not just gaming, these rules are being pushed on all forms of media and entertainment; just look at Star Wars. There can be no escape from the poz.
With Battletech the idea is there is so much hunger for a new battletech game players will ignore this stuff just to get it. But once the game is a success, the media and SJWs will attribute the success of the game to the progressive agenda, even though most people were unaware of it or ignored it. Future games will go whole-hog on progressiveness, sales will tank, and that will be it. No more battletech. Or game industry.