Thane Solus
Game does not have such problems. The unity problem is long loading screens.I threw about £30 or so at HBS to kickstart this and haven't even bothered to track down my install key after the lukewarm reviews.
So is it worth the effort yet? Has anyone had their PC blow up from the overheating issue with Unity?
No dumb-ass remarks about standing the PC in water.
That is not from Unity, its from having worse coders than Egosoft. A predefined shit map, with semi high low polys around 12 max, and a few shit models for trees and bases, and it takes 30 seconds to load, while a whole fucking universe and lots of the logic behind X4, loads in about 20 sec max. (yes its another engine, and its bugged like hell, but just a comparison) . If unity had a problem like in the engine, which it doesnt, it would be dead in 3-6 months at the best.
Its simply the most incompetent coders we seen so far, thats what you get from SJW devs and of course sold a ton, and they will do it again... probably worse.
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