crowbcat is a retard and has always been ever since he made that shitty GTA 4 video. DR has always been shit
crowbcat is a retard and has always been ever since he made that shitty GTA 4 video. DR has always been shit
I'm not sure if I'm getting your point. Game looks like a major downgrade in every area outside the visuals, and those videos show it as such ie they display the game as it is. Comparisons with the very first game are fair and on point. How is anything in those videos wrong or taken out of context? What exactly is wrong with them?
Yeah maaan, but I dislike his and also everyone knows all of that already except none of it is true and he is nitpicking by pointing out things that everyone knows are not true but are actually true and I totally have no feelings about this.Dead Rising is a good game though, and it's clear that Dead Rising had a lot of systems that the new one does not have, even if it is on a newer system. I found the video informative, click bait or not.
It's not like they had Gary Busey cosplaying as Aunt May.
I thought I was the only one who thought she looked exactly like Gary Busey dressed up as an old woman!
The contrary is true as well, this is why the video is lame.Dead Rising is a good game though, and it's clear that Dead Rising had a lot of systems that the new one does not have, even if it is on a newer system. I found the video informative, click bait or not.
Bigger zombie count, bigger map, weapon combos, vehicle combos, exo-suit, co-op mode.I'm not sure if I'm getting your point. Game looks like a major downgrade in every area outside the visuals, and those videos show it as such ie they display the game as it is. Comparisons with the very first game are fair and on point. How is anything in those videos wrong or taken out of context? What exactly is wrong with them?
How much of a cuck can one be, jesus tittyfucking christ.It's not that he's wrong, it's that his criticism are always on easy mode with easy targets and just reinforcing things everyone already knows, as I said. It's convenient for him to upload his videos when he does attacking stuff like he does.
How much of a cuck can one be, jesus tittyfucking christ.
'GEARS OF WAR' SUED - I'M THE REAL 'COLE TRAIN' ...You Stole My Game for Your Game!!
"Gears of War" took a former football player/wrestler and turned him into "Cole Train"-- a central character in the game -- and then stiffed him royally.
Lenwood Hamilton claims he was going about his life last January when his son's friend showed him the video game, and he was flabbergasted ... he says "Cole Train" was simply him.
So, Hamilton did what any red-blooded American would do ... sued. According to the docs ... the physical appearances are almost identical, "Cole Train" is the only black character, they both wear derby hats, wrist bands and have a front gold tooth.
Hamilton goes on ... he believes they somehow imitated his voice and implanted it in "Cole Train." In fact, Hamilton says he hired a forensic voice examiner to compare his voice to CT, and they're indistinguishable.
It gets even weirder ... Hamilton is also suing Lester Speight, aka Terry Tate: Office Linebacker from vintage Reebok commercials, who's credited with the voice-over and portrayal of "Cole Train."
Hamilton says Speight used to work with his wrestling company and they talked about creating a video game character. Translation: Speight stole his idea and passed it off to the makers of "Gears of War."
Hamilton is suing for sales and profits, and that's a lot. The game's been super successful since 2006.
Watch the worst video game trailer ever to appear on the official PlayStation YouTube channel
Yesterday, Sony quietly uploaded quite possibly the worst video game trailer ever to appear on the official PlayStation YouTube channel.
The video, below, is titled "Life of Black Tiger - Preview Trailer | PS4". Watch it. It's a complete horror show.
The game appears to be about a tiger who kills humans and animals. The graphics are awful. The frame-rate looks single digit. The blood spatters are pathetic. And the animations look like they're from the PSone era. Actually, there are no animations.
My favourite bit is when the tiger swipes and a few men with spears jump in the air before crashing to the ground, dead.
Scratch that. My favourite bit is when the tiger does one swipe and takes out a dozen dogs who fly off.
The disastrous trailer is set against music seemingly lifted from an anime, because of course it is.
I hadn't heard of Life of Black Tiger, but it appears to be a port of a mobile game released in 2014 by a Russian game company called 1Games. Its website is pretty cool.
As you'd expect, the video hasn't gone down well on the PlayStation YouTube channel, where it's currently got over 6500 downvotes. It's had over 100,000 views, though.
Here's a selection of comments:
"Free game for PS Plus?" Brandon Willis wonders.
pimpmafuqa11 says: "So is this Sony's petty attempt at downplaying the switch reveal?"
I don't know what's worse: this trailer, or the suggestion this game will appear on the PS4 in some form. Who at Sony approved it? Come on, own up. Unlike tiger here, we won't bite.
'GEARS OF WAR' SUED - I'M THE REAL 'COLE TRAIN' ...You Stole My Game for Your Game!!
"Gears of War" took a former football player/wrestler and turned him into "Cole Train"-- a central character in the game -- and then stiffed him royally.
Lenwood Hamilton claims he was going about his life last January when his son's friend showed him the video game, and he was flabbergasted ... he says "Cole Train" was simply him.
So, Hamilton did what any red-blooded American would do ... sued. According to the docs ... the physical appearances are almost identical, "Cole Train" is the only black character, they both wear derby hats, wrist bands and have a front gold tooth.
Hamilton goes on ... he believes they somehow imitated his voice and implanted it in "Cole Train." In fact, Hamilton says he hired a forensic voice examiner to compare his voice to CT, and they're indistinguishable.
It gets even weirder ... Hamilton is also suing Lester Speight, aka Terry Tate: Office Linebacker from vintage Reebok commercials, who's credited with the voice-over and portrayal of "Cole Train."
Hamilton says Speight used to work with his wrestling company and they talked about creating a video game character. Translation: Speight stole his idea and passed it off to the makers of "Gears of War."
Hamilton is suing for sales and profits, and that's a lot. The game's been super successful since 2006.
or is the premise of the suit that two black people look and sound alike?