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Pretty Princess
Pretty Princess Glory to Ukraine
Mar 10, 2003
*yawn x2*

I wouldn't rule out the chance of bribery but until you bring actual evidence you are simply full of shit.

Texas Red

Sep 9, 2006
Volourn, you must be pretty black-and-white thinking type of a man, eh? I already gave you proof. You must be naive to believe that the reviewers owned by major companies arent going to do a little scheming.

If Oblivion would get an average of 7 or some such, you can be sure that the forums would be mostly dead, as they usually are with such games. Its not about liking the game or not, the masses will buy(and enjoy) what they are told to buy.


Jan 4, 2005
Insert Title Here RPG Wokedex Codex Year of the Donut I'm very into cock and ball torture
The Walkin' Dude said:
Volourn, you must be pretty black-and-white thinking type of a man, eh? I already gave you proof. You must be naive to believe that the reviewers owned by major companies arent going to do a little scheming.

If Oblivion would get an average of 7 or some such, you can be sure that the forums would be mostly dead, as they usually are with such games. Its not about liking the game or not, the masses will buy(and enjoy) what they are told to buy.

Your stupidity makes my brain melt. You're a disgrace to the honourable dumbfuck tag. YOU ARE LOSER!!!


Pretty Princess
Pretty Princess Glory to Ukraine
Mar 10, 2003
"I already gave you proof."

You call what you have shared 'proof'? All you've done is proven that Oblviion has gotten really high scores and that you believe that it shares simialrities with G3 that reveiwers have supposedly overlooked. In essence, you have proven that reviewers have a differing opinion than you. OMFG!


Aug 30, 2005
is cold
Not to interrupt The Great Clash of the Dumbfucks, but in my opinion there's really no need for bribing reviewers as the gaming journalism in last 3-5 years has been in so bad shape. I'm almost sure that most reviewers prising crappy games really mean it wholehartedly. They're just dumbfucks with bad taste and almost no knowledge or understanding of the gaming industry, so their opinions are not surprising[/gamenito].


Jan 4, 2005
Insert Title Here RPG Wokedex Codex Year of the Donut I'm very into cock and ball torture
Ironic is when, for example, a trained snake-handler gets killed by a snake bite from his favourite pet, and nothing else.

Texas Red

Sep 9, 2006
Ok, Volourn, please show me a single negative review of Oblivion on a major, heck any relatively well known, gaming websites(aside from the obvious Codex and RPGdot). After you found no such thing, please explain to me how is it possible that both the official and unofficial forums of Oblivion are filled with whining/complaining. Are you saying that it is a coincidence that nobody, from a seemingly huge crowd, who disliked the game had a chance of officially reviewing it?


Oct 15, 2006
Just a city called Sirius.
The Walkin' Dude said:
Ok, Volourn, please show me a single negative review of Oblivion on a major, heck any relatively well known, gaming websites(aside from the obvious Codex and RPGdot). After you found no such thing, please explain to me how is it possible that both the official and unofficial forums of Oblivion are filled with whining/complaining. Are you saying that it is a coincidence that nobody, from a seemingly huge crowd, who disliked the game had a chance of officially reviewing it?
An equally intersting question: Did you see any of the said reveiwers on the forums complaining?

Thing is, the old fas have an edge that most reviewers don't: They played the previous games. And on most major gaming sites, they also have to cover many other games other than Oblivion.

Texas Red

Sep 9, 2006
Ahzaruuk said:
An equally intersting question: Did you see any of the said reveiwers on the forums complaining?

Maybe I did, I dont know. What matters is that nobody from the huge criticising crowd could officially review Oblivion. I find it quite odd.

And oh, I already did a fast google search on Oblivion reviews. Gamerankings.com informs that there isnt a single negative review for Oblivion available on the whole Internet. Cool, eh?



Oct 15, 2006
Just a city called Sirius.
The Walkin' Dude said:
Ahzaruuk said:
An equally intersting question: Did you see any of the said reveiwers on the forums complaining?

Maybe I did, I dont know. What matters is that nobody from the huge criticising crowd could officially review Oblivion. I find it quite odd.

And oh, I already did a fast google search on Oblivion reviews. Gamerankings.com informs that there isnt a single negative review for Oblivion available on the whole Internet. Cool, eh?

Even though we both know that's a load of crock ,a s this site has one.

Have you mabey considered that, since Oblivion was made to appeal to large audience, that it would be appealing to a large amount of people, Reviewers included? I don't find the fact that negative reviews being scace all that suprising.


Pretty Princess
Pretty Princess Glory to Ukraine
Mar 10, 2003
And, look, the avergae reader rating is 9.2.

Professional review scores range from 80% -100% with the average being about 94%.

In esseence, none of which you whine about is proof of any pay offs. Agaian, I repeat, I'm not saying there is 100% no chance of bribery going on. Just that you have given ZERO proof.

There is no doubt that most professional gaming sites prefer to error on the side of positivety and not negativety? The point being stop crying because they don't agree with your own personal extreme views.

You won't be happy until everyone agrees with you, anyways. Moron.

Stop talking out of your ass. It is illogical, and retarded.

Texas Red

Sep 9, 2006
My extreme views, Volourn? Im asking the question again. I now showed proof that it is a fact that 10/10 official reviews for Oblivion are positive. Tell me how it is possible when the forums exploded from the complaining and whining? How is it possible that NOBODY who disliked the game(and judging from the forums there a lot of such people) have given Oblivion a low score? At least something lower than 80%?


Pretty Princess
Pretty Princess Glory to Ukraine
Mar 10, 2003

1. You proved that all professional reviewers liked or even loved Oblivion.

2. This does not in any logical way prove that 100% chance that bribery involved.

3. There are, I figure about 50 or so professional reviews of Oblivion. So, let's do the math. That's about 50 people shared their opinion.

4. On forums, you have THOUSANDS of poster sharing their opinions. NEWSFLASH: This increases the chances of a negative view.

Do the fuckin' math, moron.

Once again, as I said above, it's a well known fatc that professional reviewers tend to error on the side of positivitely than negative if for the main reason not to piss off their readership. This does not prove that any of them were bribed. Dumbass.

Texas Red

Sep 9, 2006
Volourn, all of the professional reviews are listed there. It states that Oblivion has 0% of negative scores(even if you only count 50 or so). This means that if you multiply the opinions by thousands and thousands you will still get 0%. This means that, according to you, nobody should ever have disliked Oblivion.


Oct 15, 2006
Just a city called Sirius.
The Walkin' Dude said:
Volourn, all of the professional reviews are listed there. It states that Oblivion has 0% of negative scores(even if you only count 50 or so). This means that if you multiply the opinions by thousands and thousands you will still get 0%. This means that, according to you, nobody should ever have disliked Oblivion.
How do you figure that?

If you take the same person's opinion, and multiply it over and over, of course you will get the same result.

Adding more people, however, gives a Higher chance of someone not liking it. This is of course, taking into account all views, not just the ones of the Professional Reviewers.


Pretty Princess
Pretty Princess Glory to Ukraine
Mar 10, 2003
None of this proves that bribery - espicially at the mass skill you suggest - occured. Quite frankly, the majority of those sites are probably well below Betehsda's view anywyas so I doubt they'd even bother bribing them.

In essence, you are talking out of your ass as usual.

You spit on the glory of Dumbfucks everywhere. I DEMAND the removal of your tag before you sully the coolness of it for the rest of us. Not that the DEMAND will get anywhere; but meh; something has to be said nontheless.

Texas Red

Sep 9, 2006
Ahzaruuk said:
The Walkin' Dude said:
Volourn, all of the professional reviews are listed there. It states that Oblivion has 0% of negative scores(even if you only count 50 or so). This means that if you multiply the opinions by thousands and thousands you will still get 0%. This means that, according to you, nobody should ever have disliked Oblivion.
How do you figure that?

If you take the same person's opinion, and multiply it over and over, of course you will get the same result.

Adding more people, however, gives a Higher chance of someone not liking it. This is of course, taking into account all views, not just the ones of the Professional Reviewers.

Im saying that if the professional reviews represent the views of actual people then, mathematically, nobody should dislike Oblivion. Of course it is not true if you look at the forums. And that is the proof.


Pretty Princess
Pretty Princess Glory to Ukraine
Mar 10, 2003
It doesn't represent the veiws of the masses. It presents the views of individual reviewers. Dumbass.

And, either way, that is NOT proof that bribery - espicially mass bribery as you suggest - occured.


Texas Red

Sep 9, 2006
Volourn said:
None of this proves that bribery - espicially at the mass skill you suggest - occured. Quite frankly, the majority of those sites are probably well below Betehsda's view anywyas so I doubt they'd even bother bribing them.

In essence, you are talking out of your ass as usual.

You spit on the glory of Dumbfucks everywhere. I DEMAND the removal of your tag before you sully the coolness of it for the rest of us. Not that the DEMAND will get anywhere; but meh; something has to be said nontheless.

Yes, yes, the whole dumbfuck commentary... just admit that, quoting you, the game is over.

Texas Red

Sep 9, 2006
Volourn said:
It doesn't represent the veiws of the masses. It presents the views of individual reviewers. Dumbass.

And, either way, that is NOT proof that bribery - espicially mass bribery as you suggest - occured.


And each individual reviewer, all of them actually, gave Oblivion at least 80%? Yup, perfectly normal. Amazing individuality right there!

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