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Preview Bethesda nails Fallout

Cimmerian Nights

Aug 20, 2004
The Roche Motel
DarkUnderlord said:
Vault Dweller said:
Bethesda nails Fallout
Cue picture of Fallout Boy being nailed to a cross Jesus style.
Not crucified, but he does have stigmata-like bleeding corn-hole.



Jul 18, 2004
Karlstad, Sweden
TalesfromtheCrypt said:
Who the fuck cares about SPESHUL? Its actually one of the less important parts of Fallout. They could take any other class-less skill based system and adapt it or invent their own and call it R.E.T.A.R.D or so, it wouldn't make any difference.
Some very vocal Fallout fanatics used to demand SPECIAL, isometric and turnbased in their sigs over at ESF right after it had been announced that BS would make Fallout 3. So obviously BS figured that they should tout the one-and-a-half of those three things that they could actually fit into their FPS-RPG. And as has already been established, reporters tout whatever BS tout. So I don't even see it as an attempt to look like they know Fallout - they're merely relaying what they've been told, possibly in the belief that their readers want to know. And hey, if no one said a word about SPECIAL, don't you think people would ask? :?

Personally I'm still mainly concerned about the quests and their multiple solutions. Sure, a lot of quests in the first two games didn't have multiple solutions, but then again, a lot of them did. And the grey moral areas seem to be lacking if all the badguys are gathered at that house the PC gains access to after blowing up Megaton. It really sounded as if that is the moment of choice between the good side and the bad side.

Much like a Choose Your Own Adventure book I once played, where I had to choose between staying loyal to the king or join the revolution at the very beginning of the book. Not wanting to desert in the middle of a freaking battle, I stayed with my fellow soldiers, and never had the opportunity to do what I imagine that most deserters do - sneak away when no one is looking. Don't think I ever replayed that book as a member of the revolution, because it was actually quite fun to rescue nobles from those uncouth revolutionaries. ;)


Jun 10, 2007
What's the topic? Rape? Yea i like rape. Who doesn't like rape?

I've learned in media it's very easy to demonize fallout fans. Oh he's a fallout fan? Well there goes his credability. Nnnnh. Rape...


Jun 28, 2007
franc kaos said:
Keldorn wrote:
Obviously, FO3 will be better because it FORCES the narrow, one-eyed STRAW perspective (AKA the FPS view) on everyone (ECS101)... which does the magnificent thing of ERADICATING peripheral viision. It's great to be weaving and turning your way around corners !!!! .... rather than playing in the OBSOLETE (ECS101) Isometric perspective from FO1&2, which is obviously totally lame (to juvenile pea-brains hooked on the straw perspective).
The Terminator 2029 '92 3D RT
TES Arena '94 3D RT
TES Daggerfall '96 3D RT
It's what Bethesda do, it's what they've always done, and somewhat older than:

Fallout '97 ISO TB.

I think the true problem is what was stated in that retro Fallout article. The original developers made games for adults whereas Bethesda are firmly setting their sights on the preteen market (which apparently in America is written 'M for mature'). The lack of profit in AO titles obviously means that American adults do not play computer games...

Or that idiocracy film was actually a documentary not a comedy.

I disagree.

I'm not asking them to make Morrowind 5 or Oblivion 3 isometirc & party-based.

I'm asking them to respect the game vehicle of the series. If they do PS:T 2, it should be isometric & party-based. If they do BG 3, again, iso & party-based. FO3 should at LEAST have an isometric view option in the video options screen (like the indie game UFO:AI), because that viewpoint encompasses the adventuring party, and the unique ambience, mood, adventuring perspective induced by iso, in the post-apoc setting, allowing the gamer's eyes to scan the scenery in an open-ended fashion.

It's a corporate copy & paste conformist formula : throw the isometric view in the trash, and automatically impose the FPS view on every player for EVERY single new Pc-Rpg.

The FPS straw perspective is very much suited for ES Morrowind & Oblivion solo excursions, but it obviously WRECKS the party based bird's eye view which is a traditional & defining element of the FO series.

They have, effectively, Oblivionated the Fallout experience by imposing the FPS view on it.


Jun 17, 2007
Keldorn said:
The FPS straw perspective is very much suited for ES Morrowind & Oblivion solo excursions, but it obviously WRECKS the party based bird's eye view which is a traditional & defining element of the FO series.

Worry not, FO3 is supposed to be mostly a solo excursion, too.

franc kaos

Aug 4, 2005
On the outside ~ looking in...
Keldorn said:
I'm asking them to respect the game vehicle of the series. If they do PS:T 2, it should be isometric & party-based. If they do BG 3, again, iso & party-based. FO3 should at LEAST have an isometric view option in the video options screen (like the indie game UFO:AI), because that viewpoint encompasses the adventuring party, and the unique ambience, mood, adventuring perspective induced by iso, in the post-apoc setting, allowing the gamer's eyes to scan the scenery in an open-ended fashion.

It's a corporate copy & paste conformist formula : throw the isometric view in the trash, and automatically impose the FPS view on every player for EVERY single new Pc-Rpg.

The FPS straw perspective is very much suited for ES Morrowind & Oblivion solo excursions, but it obviously WRECKS the party based bird's eye view which is a traditional & defining element of the FO series.

They have, effectively, Oblivionated the Fallout experience by imposing the FPS view on it.
Like the guy above says, they're not incorporating a party based mode, but I agree with you, implement a decent isometric view. Someone earlier said, the engine has to be built for this (removing walls, roofs etc), but with the 3D engine, at least one can revolve the camera to get the best view (roofs might be problematic). Then everyone's happy, include an option for turn based combat (is it that hard to give players the option of how they want to play?), as well as this VAT's abomination and realtime for the twitch players (personally, I love Stalker and Far Cry), and bingo, more customers! more cash...

Unfortunately, Tod doesn't like being told what to do. He could've created options in Oblivion for how much handholding you wanted, PC or console UI, the ability to delete useless spells in your spell book, but no, he just urges people to buy high def TVs so they can see Oblivion in all its x360 glory, sitting in his big house, his plush sofa six feet away from his 56 inch HiDef TV, controller in hand, playing on his free Xbox360... [/rant]

Sorry, don't know where that came from...


Jul 30, 2007
middle age
It's still Fallout, but now it's Fallout plus Dance Dance Revolution!

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