Chinese Jetpilot said:DarkUnderlord said:What I like about that is how you can only drink about 8 potions at a time though. That is, before you have to close your inventory and then re-open it again half a second later. OH NOEZ! TEH LIMITASHUNS MAEK IT STRATEGIK.Sentenza said:I always thought that pausing the game to epen the inventory and drink a fuckload of potions during fitghts was a lame exploit, but no good sirs, ITS TEH STRATEGIKChinese Jetpilot said:Oblivion's combat is fast and furious, and rewards you for pausing out to inventory to use potions, scrolls, other equipment, other spells, etc strategically.
Would these MOTHERFUCKERS stop already with the "tactics" and "strategy" of Oblivion!
Figures that an Armchair Strategist like yourself would think its that easy. Sure, it's all fun and games when you're stomping on mudcrabs. But what if you're surrounded by five...count them, FIVE, Goblins rushing towards you? You try swinging your sword, but your auto-aim ain't working. You start to panic. You can only use a combination of eight healing and fatigue potions. What's a matter? Not so easy now, is it?
Pop quiz hotshot. What do you do?
Easy. Press Y to enter EXTREME mode and dish out some serious collar-grabbing fury upon those goblins.