Pink Eye
Appears when passing mouse over youtube embed.
Appears when passing mouse over youtube embed.
It's not a page element. It's your browser generating that. As far as I'm aware, there's no way to instruct the browser to stop generating that PiP button. I'd like to be proven wrong though.nope.
Appears when passing mouse over youtube and other video related embed.
Haven't had that before, started happening 1 week ago or so, don't remember updating my browse.It's not a page element. It's your browser generating that. As far as I'm aware, there's no way to instruct the browser to stop generating that PiP button. I'd like to be proven wrong though.
It has to be something to do with the new website because it wasn't on the old website and I'm using an old Chrome browser that has been discontinued, so not a new update on browser end.It's not a page element. It's your browser generating that. As far as I'm aware, there's no way to instruct the browser to stop generating that PiP button. I'd like to be proven wrong though.nope.
Appears when passing mouse over youtube and other video related embed.
Yeah I tried to disable the element, but it's apart of the whole youtube embed. I also googled it a bit and found another xenforo 2 forum talking about it like the feature was a positive. It may be this way by design with Xenforo 2 and Youtube. I just don't know why you'd want a PIP option sticking out all the time. Never ever use it and I'd be surprised if anyone really uses it, especially for the internet.It's got something to do with how the embed's outer container thinks it has zero area. That's why that PiP icon displays out of the embed and not inside it on the right.
I don't, but trying to fix it will probably make some obscure embed types spaz out, now or some time after embedded website/addon/xenforo gets upgraded. There are also other way more pressing forum and general site-related issues being taken care of on a daily basis (yes, including the rating sort order issue).I just don't know why you'd want a PIP option sticking out all the time. Never ever use it and I'd be surprised if anyone really uses it, especially for the internet.
y?make it possible to resize images with bb code pl0x
Because downloading the image and resizing it yourself is a bit of a chore on desktop and impossible on mobile. I don't want an image I'm posting to take up a quarter of the page.y?make it possible to resize images with bb code pl0x
Can just spoiler it then.Because downloading the image and resizing it yourself is a bit of a chore on desktop and impossible on mobile. I don't want an image I'm posting to take up a quarter of the page.y?make it possible to resize images with bb code pl0x
That can ruin the flow of the post, though.Can just spoiler it then.
Looks like a potential SQL injection vector.btw can we stats page back? u know the one with how many posts you made in forums. this is what it looks like rn:
i liek seeing my high scores. lets me know im winning.