Come to think of it - EA done a perfect hype campaign for themselves. Look - everyone was talking about Paris Hilton and how BS will rape F3 - now everyone's talking about EA.
Volourn said:"Everyone should just be thankful someone is taking the effort to shovel crap at them and just eat it with a smile."
Wrong. It's real simple. if you don't like a game being made don't buy and/or play it. Period. Don't be lame like most Codexers who abshed the hell out of Oblivion before release yet went out and bought it. Don't be the morons who called NWN 'one of the worst RPGs ever' yet bought both expansions, anyways. Don't be a doofus.
Stop whining with your I N T E R N E T D R A M A over a stupid game company being bought.![]()
The Walkin' Dude said:Volourn said:"Everyone should just be thankful someone is taking the effort to shovel crap at them and just eat it with a smile."
Wrong. It's real simple. if you don't like a game being made don't buy and/or play it. Period. Don't be lame like most Codexers who abshed the hell out of Oblivion before release yet went out and bought it. Don't be the morons who called NWN 'one of the worst RPGs ever' yet bought both expansions, anyways. Don't be a doofus.
Stop whining with your I N T E R N E T D R A M A over a stupid game company being bought.![]()
You go, girl. Back when Stalin came to power some people disagreed with him and I just said "Aye, if you dont like what hes doing you can just get the hell out of this country!"
This is just crazy talk.Volourn said:JE is just as good as the BGs (slightly better than BG1, and slightly less than BG2). The entireity of NWN1 is BIO's best work. Period. ME looks to crush all of them.
JE is just as good as the BGs (slightly better than BG1, and slightly less than BG2). The entireity of NWN1 is BIO's best work. Period. ME looks to crush all of them.
Section8 said:Well, Bethesda have proven they're both incapable of design integrity, and are all too willing to alienate any fanbase, including their own, in the pursuit of "greener" (read: less discerning) pastures.
Section8 said:EA may be cunts, but for gems like Battlefield 1942, The Sims, The Sims 2, Undying, Crusader: No Remorse, Syndicate, Dungeon Keeper, The Tiger Woods series, Freedom Force, the System Shocks, the Magic Carpets, SimGolf, the early Wing Commanders, the Ultimas, Alpha Centauri, etc. I'm willing to forgive them.
Section8 said:Yes you can say they've destroyed good things - the demise of Origin was tragic, but Garriott has hardly proven himself to be anything but a turd-monger post-EA.
mobygames said:Auto Assault (2006), NCsoft - North America
City of Heroes (Deluxe Edition) (2005), NCsoft Europe Ltd.
City of Villains (2005), NCsoft - North America
City of Heroes (2004), NCsoft - North America
Lineage II: The Chaotic Chronicle (2004), NCsoft - North America
Section8 said:Same goes for Peter fucking Molyneux. Sid Meier (and Brian Reynolds) have proven themselves both under the EA banner and outside of it. Will Wright is given free reign for his loony ideas. I cursed the day Looking Glass closed their doors, but it's not as though the talent therein hasn't busied themselves since.
Section8 said:I'll freely admit EA have a patchy record - the Medal of Honour series is probably the most pungent piece of shit atop a hefty dungheap, the C&C series was run into the ground not long after the first game, the EA sports market is saturated, and their milking of the Sims is utterly brazen.
Section8 said:but admittedly many are simply pinching out the digested by-products of their past glories.
Section8 said:But unlike Bioware, Bethesda, id Software, Blizzard or any of the other big "independents" who show a trend of steady decline without exception,
Section8 said:Dragon Age is obviously something different, and it seems to me like a throwback to Baldur's Gate - which my well known stance indicates I'm no fan of. Forgive me for not whooping with joy and turning cartwheels in anticipation.
Section8 said:I'd give it a go, but their track record of nothing but disappointment holds them in worse stead than an evil empire who turns out both good and bad.
Volourn said:"hahaha. This is a plain fanboy crap."
How is it 'plain fanboy crap' to prefer one BIo game to another. That's illogical. that be like me calling someone a Troika fanboy because they prefer TOEE over BL. Dumbass.
How can a twitch-based game with 3 stats, linear world and black-white dialogues be better (or "slightly less") than BG1/2 with dozens of stats and classes and a big world? ME looks to crush all of them? Doctor, anyone?"
Because it has more role-playing, more choices and consequences, better graphics, better music, combnat is just as fun, superior characters, better dialogue, less black and white dialogue, etc, etc.
You'd have to be an illogical delusional moron to disagree with these FACTS.
Sir_Brennus said:Blizz: When did the decline begin? I consider D2 being on par with D1, WC3-FT better than WC2, SC better than WC2, WoW ... well, let's say I think they improved the game with the add-on. I can't see any decline.
Bethesda: C'mon you are joking, aren't you? I know that at the codex some fell for Twinfalls propaganda, but DF is a bad game, as was Arena. Morrowind was a slight improvement (and a nice toolset) and Oblvion is as bad as the beginning. When were the "big times" of Bethesda? The time of Battlespyre, Terminator FS/Skynet, Redguard ...? Or X-Racer? Believe it or not, they never were a quality game maker.
Don't worry, it's coming.Sir Brennus said:but put ALL of his work into Tabula Rasa. The game is not released yet, so where is the "turd"?
Jeff Graw said:Is there any MMO that Codexers like?
Is there any MMO that Codexers like?
NiM82 said:The original UO was the only one that I enjoyed.
You mean things like dumbing down sport games for the wii controller?
Or prolly things like "showing no interest" (K. Levine) in System Shock 3?
Or greenlighting a crpg project only after Oblivion sold 4 millions?
Gems my ass. 1. Don't mix up EOA and EA before 1996 with the atrocity that it is today. Don't get me wrong: Most of my early moments of joy in front of a computer screen happened after watching the EOA logo blinking for some minutes. The day I played The Bard's Tale on my C64 for the first time in 1986 is still considered a life changing event by me. Their downfall began 1991 when they expanded into the 16-bit console market, while still being a competent publisher for Bullfrog, Origin and others. After 1996 they established themselfs as a sticky magnet for money and developing teams, exclusive licensing contractors and update producers.
2. BF1942 is a polished version of Refraction Games' Codename: Eagle which was published by T2. EA only got it dirty hands on it, when RG was bought out by these guys from DICE who got also aquired later. The only thing that EA has done for the BF series is such
3. Sim Golf - you must be friggin kiddin'.
4. The Freedom Forces got the worst marketing campaign I ever saw (for a major publisher release). Over here in Germany exclusive noone bought the games, because noone knew it was released. They were thrown into the bargain bin within days. They didn't get a budget release, which even the shitty Madden sequels get EVERY FUCKING YEAR!
5. Why only the early Wing Commanders? I don't know, if you ever wandered in the valley of the WC fan community, but IV and Prophecy (and the internet campaign) have a lot of fans over there. But what did EA after the DD thingy fizzled? They axed pt VI and (insult to injury) Privateer online.
He's a supervising guy at NCsoft, so he is credited, but he had no input in those games above (btw: I think the Heroes/Villains games are the best of the MMOG bunch), but put ALL of his work into Tabula Rasa. The game is not released yet, so where is the "turd"?
But you don' t seriously think that Will Wright won't be fired if the brainchild of his (Spore) bombs at the sales desk?
Blizz: When did the decline begin? I consider D2 being on par with D1, WC3-FT better than WC2, SC better than WC2, WoW ... well, let's say I think they improved the game with the add-on. I can't see any decline.
C'mon you are joking, aren't you? I know that at the codex some fell for Twinfalls propaganda, but DF is a bad game, as was Arena. Morrowind was a slight improvement (and a nice toolset) and Oblvion is as bad as the beginning. When were the "big times" of Bethesda? The time of Battlespyre, Terminator FS/Skynet, Redguard ...? Or X-Racer? Believe it or not, they never were a quality game maker.
Think of a BioWare that behaves like EA does:
- No live team for a 4 year old game FOR FREE, but the closing of servers after one year.
- no free content for a game but booster packs for ca$h
- no support for non company products like The Witcher, but exclusive contracts with licence holders
- no licencing out to partners like Obsidian, but aquisition and/ or dissolvement of competitors
And so on. See my point?