Yeah I feel like Moses the morning after the first orgy in the name of the golden calf...paying the bill for the sake of some dumb punks who couldnt hold their liqor. I stayed in the TES forums mostly because I had some good buddies there, and before oBlvion it was a pretty cool place, but after they went mainstream the place crawled with kiddies saying stupid shit all the time, and lately it started to get really tiring, so I told them to fuck off and left...but now I am in a place where even if Imight not agree with all the opinions at least we are free to express them and "gulp" even back then up....
My girldfriend just preordered the Mass Effect collection for me as a Christmas gift (surprise surprise) you you can imagine I will have some firsthand experience with the rise and fall of Bioware..
I couldnt bear the fact of telling her that I could have gotten the games a hundred times, and maybe there was a reason I didnt...oh welll, she is the kind of consumer that EA must drream about; she had never played a RPG in her life and she only got into them so we would have something else to share, which actualy worked quite nicely and now I am trying to win a Super Bowl bet so she has to play Planescape Torment