Depends what you are into with books, but tell me what sort of story you like and give my an idea of your favorite author and I'll give you a few recommendations as I read shit loads.
As for games you might want to try Sunless Sea which was the last I played on a free trail, it was pretty interesting. i wasn't so enthused about starting it up, but it's got some good mechanics and has choose your own adventure style writing and quests, it's worth a look anyway. Another rougelike which looks good, though I never played it is FTL.
I don't know if you tried out the Witcher games but they are all worth a pop, especially if they're on sale, the first is a bit of a slog before it becomes really interesting and they all have their own problems with the combat, but I think they are well worth playing.
Also have you played all the older games. How about adventure? You could try out the remasters of the Monkey Island games, Day of the Tentacle and Grim Fandango, if you never played those games you are really missing out, also the telltale Sam and Max is pretty decent, as is their Tales of Monkey Island to a lesser extent.
Divinity Original Sin is pretty interesting too.
I guess you could pick up most of those games (except Witcher 3 and D:OS) for less than 10 bucks each and they are all far more worth of your time and money than this abortion of a game at 60 bucks or 42bucks or whatever they reduced it to today.
Appreciate the effort man! But there is no joy to be found in the age of decline... Well, not enough joy anyway.
FTL was ok when it came out, but rather short. They've had some big content update since I last played it though, so if you want to check it out you'll likely get a more complete experience than I did.
Played all the Witcher games, and of course all the old stuff like Monkey Island and Grim Fandango way back when those originally came out along with pretty much all the other classics like JA2, BG2, PST, all the little German gems like Albion and Schleichfahrt (Archimedean Dynasty in english apparently) etc.
DOS2 early access I've got on steam because the codex was reasonably positive about the first... Is the original DOS better? If not then I'm not sure I really want to bother. Nice effort in some respects but not quite my cup of tea (yet?).
Books... Oof. Back when I still read a lot I wasn't too hard to please tbh. Richard Morgan's Altered Carbon and Woken Furies (iirc), the Dune prequels (the house trilogy, House Atreides, House Harkonnen, House Corinno, not the newer butler's jihad stuff), The parts of Discworld where Pratchett was still in decent health... Hell I even read all of the HP books, but don't tell anyone on the Codex or anything. Of course the author turned out to be completely unhinged now with all the SJW crap, christ... Also read pretty much all the popular ones from Lovecraft to Martin and all the sci-fi stuff like Armour as well of course.
It's mostly now that I'm out of touch with the newer stuff of the last 6-10 years maybe. Always lacked a good review site or other kind of filter anyway.
On books if you like Sci-fi detective action stuff you should try The Demolished Man by Alfred Bester, it's 60 years old now, but full of interesting ideas, is brutal and moves at a breakneck pace, as does his other great book The Stars are My Destination.
I thought the Dune prequels were awful, if you haven't read the original 6 books by Frank Herbert you should give them a go. Some people don't like anything after the first book but I thought they all had good points.
My favorite Pratchett stories are the Sam Vimes Nightwatch ones. For other humorous books with good ideas try Douglas Adams or Robert Rankin (His best books are The Garden of Unearthly delights, Waiting for Godmolding and A Dog called Demolition) many of his latest books are kind of lazy, so I wouldn't start there. Saying that humor is subjective so you may either love this books or not enjoy them at all.
If you haven't read Fever Dream by Martin you should give that a go, also some good recent fantasy is the First law books, or Heros by Joe Abercrombie, or The Lies of Locke Lamora by Scott Lynch.
There are also some hit and miss but interesting collections of short stories by different authors based on Lovecraft. Called Weird Shadows over Innsmouth, Weirder Shadows over Innsmouth and a few more which have all been recently published.
Anyway there is a reading thread on the Public Library under general discussion on the forum if your interested in ideas and suggestions.
As for games it seems you've played everything, so I'm out of ideas, maybe get an old emulator and play sensible soccer, cannon fodder, ski or die, bar games and Samantha Fox strip poker:D