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  • cvv
    Doing my part by pointing out the turds. Can't do much else. Before Kojima or the Alan Wake devs there were dumb-smart pseudointellectuals making movies and writing books for dumb-smart people. Part of being humans I guess.
    dumb-smart brzmi jak głupio-mądry a jest to polskie sformułowanie stąd pepo popełniłeś polonizm (należnych 20zł)
    72 prestigious ratings on one post? God damn, nigga. You have my respect.
    Pandering to Codex patriotism gets you there p. reliably :D
    Vůdci a vlasti zdar!
    krinż żeby obywatel okupowanych czech heilował jak jakiś volksdeutsch jebany
    Běž si plakat do Osvětimi, Poláku.
    nic tam nie ma
    And I used it. Everything is as it should be. It's all God's plan anyway.
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