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Bug Reports


The Boar Studio
Dec 8, 2002
Anything to report? Leave it here.
Sep 14, 2015
Some issues I encountered so far:
-When traipsing around the Outpost in the suit, I sometimes get stuck at the outskirts of the map, specifically in the area North-West/West (above the Willy area) of the Radio Tower. The same happens near the ice-volcano when walking at the outskirts of the small location-specific map but then in general.
-After accepting the mission from Henschel corp, picking up the Plutonium you get from them doesn't always work. I can transfer the plutonium to my inventory but after entering the Outpost it's gone ?! In the end after closing and restarting the game, this did work out (I seem to encounter this kind of behavior more often?!).
-Actually just reloaded the game and the Plutonium just re-appeared in my inventory and I was even able to re-add it effectively getting 10kg of Pu-238 for free ?! Note that the plutonium does get removed from my inventory afterwards.
-The same happened with the Skutterudite Thermocouple, although this did not improve the base (efficiency rate stays the same). I did get the XP bonus over and over again though.
It was possible to farm XP this way, as the item just doesn't disappear.
-I completed the 'Crash Investigation' mission and I then contacted Karl. I was expecting some story-line follow-up but instead I was thrown out of the communications channel and was stuck at the seat at the Comms Panel. After some funbling I could get my character moving again, but there's no follow-up on the completed mission.
-After building a second pump and drone, I wanted to suck all methane from Abaya Lacus. However the action to hook up the tank and pump just doesn't come up ?! I think I even hear the sound that normally comes in when you can perform an action when walking near the (empty) methane tank (!).
-If I talk to the base AI after completing the 'Home Improvement' mission, the related conversation topic is still there. Clicking on that topic will just immediately crash the conversation though. I guess that option should not be there after having completed this mission.
-I found the Cobalt Arsenide and even created the related item and used that to improve the base, but the related mission is still listed under Active.
(I liked the fact that the AI could help you out with where to find the Cobalt Arsenide)
-Mine Methane mission
When looking at the mission text, the delivery date seems to be messed up. Currently I need to deliver 1250 tons before 65538325800000000000000. The Map screen does give a proper date though.

-Under the mission 'Find Lost Plutonium Shipment', the text reads 'plutonuim' shipment.
(actually haven't find this shipment yet, despite walking around the area to the east of the Outpost entrance)

-Need moar traits
-Need moar wacky Research projects


Aug 23, 2019
Cracker produced thousands of polymers just in two hours.
Sometimes, the action icons on left side just doesn't appear at all.
Sep 14, 2015
Just started a new game with the patched version. Noticed some differences from the start - you start with no minerals but a lot of polymers. Also hooking up the pump seems to take a lot longer than before the patch - despite having the pump gun, an insulated suit and Construction 2 - I almost froze to death sorting this out in one go. Before the patch I could hook up the first pump with Construction 2 and no improvements, leaving me with 4-5% suit charge (enough to get back to the Rover) ?! I guess this is more an observation than a bug.

However I did run into a 'new' bug. Despite almost freezing to death I managed to hook up the first pump. Then back at the Outpost when I look at the Map screen, I can see that the pump is doing it's job if I click on the location (deployed, pumping 1/s). However in the overview screen, if I look at the right bottom window, it states there are no active pumps (0/0) and I cannot deploy the Drone ?!

Apart from this problem, I have not run into other issues.
Sep 14, 2015
It seems I skipped the second part of the setup - deliver the Methane tank using the Drone. However the game won't let me setup a waypoint to deliver the tank. There's a box with a red cross (haven't seen this before) and I can only exit this menu using the Esc key.

On the other hand when I go to the lake, both the pump and tank are there and I can hook them up ?!

I have managed to find out what happened with Val...
Sep 14, 2015
The inventory seems to have it's own mind. It will sort of 'remember' actions, so I can now infinitely process Minerals but the dialog that comes up after the 'Use' command on the Flight Recorder always comes up if I open the inventory as well.

I'll send screenshots of both issues, hope that helps.


The Boar Studio
Dec 8, 2002
Thanks for reporting these! The ones in the first post have been fixed, except for the spelling error, the Home Improvement quest and the long number in the mission log. I'll try to get those fixed today in a minor patch. Getting stuck in the hilly areas happens sometimes. If you double click, the character can run out of it. Improving that is next on the list.

Yesterday's patch had a Steam configuration error that broke starting conditions for all new games. I made a hot-fix and Steam should now force a 1MB update that corrects this. Should also fix the inventory problems.

PS There's more research that you can uncover later in the game. There's also some cut content in that department that I might add in, but stability is a first priority of course.

About the 'Lost Plutonium' shipment,
It's on the west side, in the gully southwest of where William's corpse is. You can't get there on foot unless you have a bunch of spare batteries and an upgraded suit, so try going there with the Construction Bot by hitting 'manual control' on the LTAM1 construction station (the outside builder).
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Sep 14, 2015
Something strange comes up now. I used Construction to create a rechargeable batterykit. However if I transfer that battery kit from my inventory to the Outpost to get it recharged, a standard non-rechargeable batterykit gets created ?!

This also happens tranferring the Batterykit back to my inventory. Also despite a message that the batterykit has been recharged, it's empty when it's equipped. Actually the number of battery kits somehow multiplies and makes the game become very slow.


Aug 23, 2019
The cracker producing polymers very quickly bug is still present.

The unread research button allows player to begin research from the rover. Is this intentional?
Sep 14, 2015
-Find Lost Plutonium Shipment mission does not 'move' to completed
-Superlattice Thermoelectrics increases efficiency by 'too much' (rated >200% now)
-It's not possible to alter the Allocation numbers when the Freighter arrives
(did convince Karen to embezzle Methane)
-Hesiod Whiskey is stuck in the Outpost 'inventory'
-Drones are reverting back to Level 1 some time after Upgrade but are retaining part of the increased stats (Speed, Power)

Some other stuff between spoiler quotes...

-Talking to Val sometimes causes a display driver error, after that the screen is all black
-Cannot seem to get back up, when at the Throat of the Kraken location, at the level with the submarine drone
-William, broke the helmet but the action to perform an iris scan to unlock his quark wallet does not trigger.
(through Awareness check the rest of the code is already known)
-Guabonito, location triggers but no actions are available
-Satellite Memory Dump data file, seems to show William's personal data file ?!
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Aug 23, 2019
How do I use uranium (5 units) and strange material (2 units)? Clicking process doesn't do anything.


The Boar Studio
Dec 8, 2002
Thanks for the reports!

You should get a rechargeable battery back from the Outpost, with 100% charge. The charge indicator replaces the unit amount indicator. I haven't been able to reproduce this, but I think I know what's going on. Will fix.

The rest are bugs that will go on the list.

About the spoiler stuff:
Talking to Val triggers a lot of events, I haven't been able to reproduce this. Does it happen when the conversation starts or somewhere in the middle?

If you go down the elevator shaft at the Throat of Kraken, you can click on the area near the chest to trigger the skill bar. From there, you can figure out how to get back up. Characters cannot get stuck there, there is a (suboptimal) bailout if your character lacks the skills. I will change the cursor there to make it clearer.

William's iris scan doesn't trigger under very rare circumstances. Figured out why. Will fix.

At Guabonito, click on the rocks to the left.

Satellite Memory Dump - That's a mistake. Fixed.

The cracker producing polymers very quickly bug is still present.
Took me a while to reproduce, but under certain circumstances, you're right. Will fix.
The unread research button allows player to begin research from the rover. Is this intentional?
No, the buttons to begin research should be disabled. Will fix.

Uranium and strange materials
You can't use uranium and strange materials yet. You'll need to research them first, but you need a minimum science skill. I see that the trigger for that is missing for certain values -meaning that it doesn't even get explained-. Will fix.
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Sep 14, 2015
The display driver error in the conversation with Val happens in the middle as far as I can recall. It happened twice so far.

Not sure whether I did something different but at Guabonito I do get the 'actions' and not just the 'cursor' button now. I can build a crane and lower myself into the crater. However after fully searching the crater (including No Stone Unturned), the Search Area just comes back up again with percentages at 0% ?! I cannot seem to get rid of this window except quitting and restarting. Also the Scientific Surveyor mission does not get progressed (I surveyed Menvra Crater, Hetpet Regio and Guabonito by now).


The Boar Studio
Dec 8, 2002
The display driver error in the conversation with Val happens in the middle as far as I can recall. It happened twice so far.

Not sure whether I did something different but at Guabonito I do get the 'actions' and not just the 'cursor' button now. I can build a crane and lower myself into the crater. However after fully searching the crater (including No Stone Unturned), the Search Area just comes back up again with percentages at 0% ?! I cannot seem to get rid of this window except quitting and restarting. Also the Scientific Surveyor mission does not get progressed (I surveyed Menvra Crater, Hetpet Regio and Guabonito by now).

Thanks. I figured out why. Fixed in next patch.
Sep 14, 2015
It seems 'Re-initializing the game' does not work correctly. I was playing a new game and then quit that game to start a new game without exiting the game because I wanted to try a character with different stats. In the 'New Game' the old crates were empty and the mineral deposits close to the base, next to the pod were already at 100%/100% explored when I first accessed them ?!

After fully quitting the game back to Windows, then launching the program - I could start a 'real' New Game.
Sep 14, 2015
If Research would be finished while outside driving the Rover and the XP gained with the Research would be enough to level up - you'd get stuck in a loop. It would not be possible to actually use the Level Up screen and when moving the Rover the XP gain will just retrigger over and over again.


Aug 23, 2019
What do I need first to process food rations from Lost Shipment at the base?

Cobalt Arsenide not removed from inventory after thermocouple is constructed.

If Research would be finished while outside driving the Rover and the XP gained with the Research would be enough to level up - you'd get stuck in a loop. It would not be possible to actually use the Level Up screen and when moving the Rover the XP gain will just retrigger over and over again.
Can confirm, experiencing it too.


Aug 23, 2019
1: I receive 5150 WCU instead of just 150 WCU when the Hesiod arrives for the first time. Is the additional 5000 a bug?
2: Buying spare parts from Phil doesn't add any to the outpost or player inventory. Buying food, minerals and polymers work normally, haven't tested plutonium.
Sep 14, 2015
Titan Flight research adds 200% to efficiency.
1: I receive 5150 WCU instead of just 150 WCU when the Hesiod arrives for the first time. Is the additional 5000 a bug?
2: Buying spare parts from Phil doesn't add any to the outpost or player inventory. Buying food, minerals and polymers work normally, haven't tested plutonium.

Cobalt Arsenide not removed from inventory after thermocouple is constructed.
I noticed something similar, but didn't understand as I had not researched anything that had to do with increased efficiency. So 'Titan Flight research' was the culprit. :?

1: Haven't seen this behavior. I only have 250 (initial 100 + 150 for excellent performance) when the Hesiod docks.
2: Can definitely confirm this though. In addition it seems that if you do not transfer the Hesiod whiskey to the Outpost inventory, then the option to transfer the food, minerals, polymers does not do anything.
Note that when 'buying' from the Hesiod I always max minerals and spare parts. I don't really understand why plutonium is offered as there's no way you can normally get the required funds.

Cobalt Arsenide, apparently that's an infinite stack of ore ;). I did get a message about installing the Skutterudite Coupling 'again' while leaving the Outpost ?! This only seemed to happen once though (probably when I left the Outpost after having created and then installed the coupling).

On another note, the Polymer Cracker output seems greatly reduced to the point that I might consider building another unit.
Sep 14, 2015
Minor whining:
-When selecting an item to construct, the required resources check does not always seem to look at the current inventory. Just to clarify, I wanted to build a Scanner at the Table and was short a few Minerals. So I went outside got some Minerals near the Outpost and processed them (I then had sufficient resources for building the Scanner). The Construction menu was still pointing at the Scanner and continued to indicate a lack of required resources. After clicking a different item to kind of force a 'refresh' and then going back to the Scanner, the Construction panel did look at the current inventory when determining whether the required resources where available and the item could be created.
-Some dialogue options remain available even though they have no use anymore. One example is the 'Do you have any assignments for me ?' question when talking to Karen. If I then use such a dialogue option, Communications immediately 'break down' (I'm thrown out of the conversation windows, directly back to the Outpost) and I'm stuck in the chair at the Comms panel. After pressing Esc and then clicking on 'Continue' my Character will be moved out of the chair.
-When talking to Karen, her face isn't always shown in the conversation panel - instead I see a view on a couple of monitors.
Sep 14, 2015
More whining:
-At the start of the game while you haven't used the Rover to explore yet, if you 'Set a Waypoint' for the Drone then Abaya Lacus (beside Feia Lacus and the Outpost) is listed as one of the available options, despite the fact that it's not (yet) shown on the map.

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