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Bug Reports


I like Thief THIS much
Jan 4, 2007
Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag.
Also, please for the love of God allow us to raise or lower the amount by more than 1 at a time.

Best way to handle such things is to allow players to type in a number tbh


The Boar Studio
Dec 8, 2002
Also, please for the love of God allow us to raise or lower the amount by more than 1 at a time.

Best way to handle such things is to allow players to type in a number tbh

I'll add a superincrement button to the list. Typing numbers should work, by the way. At least it did before the interface overhaul, but I see that the input field is now blocked. I'll put that back. It'll be a while before the next update, though.


Village Idiot
Oct 12, 2016
I had a bug in a game so told them on discord and some guy trolled me and I said some things and they booted me and deleted everything I posted. So I tried telling them on reddit and a reply said the post was removed by moderators because it was "low effort". So they do a shitty job of their shitty game and I graciously try to tell them about a bug and their hall monitors reject the amount of effort I made. Fucking. Cock. Suckers. Although Sony did worse because it cost me a few hundred dollars so, basically all companies are dogshit now. Unless you are an old guy making something out of wood, you can fuck yourself.


The Boar Studio
Dec 8, 2002
This a thread for bug reports about Titan Outpost, not about bug reports in general.

I feel your pain, though. What you need to do is go and play Titan Outpost. It'll soothe your soul. Won't cost you a few hundred dollars or anything and I promise I will take any bug report to heart. Even though I'm not an old guy making something out of wood, some mornings my wood is big enough to fuck myself so it's all good.


Jun 18, 2018
My team has the sexiest and deadliest waifus you can recruit.
Pinging MF.

Tried the game today, and spent a few hours in it before realizing that I softlocked myself somehow. I'm attaching a save. Had to change its extension to .txt, but I don't think this is a problem. A short description of where I am in the game:

Taking a look at the let's play thread, it feels like for whatever reason I missed getting in touch with the freighter (Hesiodus?) for the first time, so a whole bunch of events didn't fire. I got in touch with Val, although she doesn't want to have anything else to do with me until the fourth shipment. She also doesn't want to talk about the transmissions. I found William, don't think I can do anything about the files on his wallet. I set up tank/drone/pump combos at two of the three lakes, even though I think one should be sufficient. While waiting for anything to happen, I explored and excavated a bit as well as researched all available technologies. Also, I got Val to try the suit death switch on me, but I am unable to talk about it with Kronos - something I saw happening in the let's play thread.

Additionally, I got a series of small, non-breaking bugs:
- While trying to go through the tutorial, if you grabbed the spare parts before the AI tells you to, it correctly notices that and tells you to go to your inventory tab. Unfortunately, the window telling you this blocks the inventory button and doesn't let you close itself; you have to click "End tutorial" for this to go away.
- I tried doing a save named ':('. This went through, but the save was nowhere to be seen when I tried to load.
- When I started a new game and done a save in the first few minutes, any attempt at loading it threw me to the splash screen. Had to start a new game there, although it was no biggie, as this pretty much meant re-creating the main character and going through the first few conversations.
- There's something iffy about the "charge the suit" checkbox available on the travel map via the truck. I unchecked it while going back from a trip, as I didn't want to waste energy on that while coming back. Went back to base, got ready to set up a pump, rode off to do just that. The checkbox reset. The thing was - the suit didn't want to charge. Had to uncheck the box, and then it went to normal.

Also, a QoL item - feels like being able to access some sort of a calendar that shows you estimated event timeframes could be pretty useful.

It's a pretty impressive piece of work for a one-person project! I'm hoping to go back to it if it gets one more bugfix/ MF tells me how to avoid a similar situation in the future. :)


  • saveterminus.txt
    165 KB · Views: 196
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The Boar Studio
Dec 8, 2002
Pinging MF
It's a pretty impressive piece of work for a one-person project! I'm hoping to go back to it if it gets one more bugfix/ MF tells me how to avoid a similar situation in the future. :)


Something went wrong early on in your playthrough where none of the timed events are ever triggered. I've never seen this before. From what you've written, it sounds like you managed to start a new game that never actually triggered the start of the in-game calendar. If you loaded a game that put you back to the splash screen, that's probably where the game was already flagged as started. ':)' should be a valid savegame title, but maybe I forgot to escape special characters somewhere in the input chain. In any case, I'll figure it out. Sorry about the hassle.

Checkbox resetting is already on the list, I'll add the missing 'skip tutorial button' for that window and the other issues are likely what caused this softlock in the first place.

Estimated event timeframes are already in. You can see them when you go to the timelapse panel, but it's empty in your game because it never really 'started'.

Since you're four shipments, three special events and two cutscenes in, I figured the best way to go about it for this playthrough, if you want to continue without starting a new character, is to reset the time to the beginning. That way you'll get all the timed events without having to do the non-calendar related quests you did again. You will have an advantage towards making shipment quotas, but they don't ramp up linearly so you'll be playing a nominal game after a few months in game time. The game is very non linear, so what you already completed shouldn't break anything. Here is your save with the timer reset and the calendar start triggered.


  • saveStartingTime.txt
    165 KB · Views: 168


Jun 18, 2018
My team has the sexiest and deadliest waifus you can recruit.
Thanks a bunch! Will take a look at it, but from what you're saying it should be enough if I start a new game. It really feels like researching all of the stuff I could, could make the time limits a bit too easy to handle, and I do enjoy how they could ramp up the anxiety.

BTW, as for the colon-closing paren save issue - for whatever reason a save named '(' appeared in my '/Titan Outpost/save' folder, while all the remaining (working) ones are in the '/Titan Outpost/' path if it helps in any way.


The Boar Studio
Dec 8, 2002
Thanks a bunch! Will take a look at it, but from what you're saying it should be enough if I start a new game. It really feels like researching all of the stuff I could, could make the time limits a bit too easy to handle, and I do enjoy how they could ramp up the anxiety.

BTW, as for the colon-closing paren save issue - for whatever reason a save named '(' appeared in my '/Titan Outpost/save' folder, while all the remaining (working) ones are in the '/Titan Outpost/' path if it helps in any way.

Yeah it would be a like cheating.

OK, that's interesting. The save path is probably a Mono issue where I can't trust the API to validate the input. I'll just limit new save names to alphanumeric characters.


Jun 18, 2018
My team has the sexiest and deadliest waifus you can recruit.
Reached 'an' ending, will post my thoughts on it in the release thread (unless I decide to try again, as what I reached was somewhat unexpected and not all that satisfying. But I guess it's my fault for deciding to go with the "cheated" save after all!). For now - I think I mentioned that it's a pretty impressive project for one person. I'd like to scratch the "one person" part from this statement!

On my way there, I still managed to find two (I think?) bugs. One was pretty minor - sometimes the mouseover text (or numbers, in case of reputation sliders) persisted after moving the mouse off the item. It overlayed any screen I opened, but moving the mouse back over the item and away from it made it disappear. The other thing was somewhat more serious
Although it might be me missing something. I visited the Chinese outpost, got the Kraken Throat mission, picked up the mechanic, and drove there. I think I was supposed to find a replacement engine for the sub somewhere - but was unable to do so. I managed to get into the control room, searched the locker there, and rummaged through the dead guy's stuff - and then spent quite a while reloading and trying to find a clickable item I could've missed. I took a few trips back to the Chinese base as well, but in the end, I was unsuccessful. Finally, I used a combination of console commands and other people's bug reports to guess the item name and add it to my inventory. Still - where exactly could I have found the thing?

BTW, out of sheer curiosity - MF, are there any endings that you'd say you consider 'good' ones?


The Boar Studio
Dec 8, 2002
Reached 'an' ending, will post my thoughts on it in the release thread (unless I decide to try again, as what I reached was somewhat unexpected and not all that satisfying. But I guess it's my fault for deciding to go with the "cheated" save after all!). For now - I think I mentioned that it's a pretty impressive project for one person. I'd like to scratch the "one person" part from this statement!

On my way there, I still managed to find two (I think?) bugs. One was pretty minor - sometimes the mouseover text (or numbers, in case of reputation sliders) persisted after moving the mouse off the item. It overlayed any screen I opened, but moving the mouse back over the item and away from it made it disappear. The other thing was somewhat more serious
Although it might be me missing something. I visited the Chinese outpost, got the Kraken Throat mission, picked up the mechanic, and drove there. I think I was supposed to find a replacement engine for the sub somewhere - but was unable to do so. I managed to get into the control room, searched the locker there, and rummaged through the dead guy's stuff - and then spent quite a while reloading and trying to find a clickable item I could've missed. I took a few trips back to the Chinese base as well, but in the end, I was unsuccessful. Finally, I used a combination of console commands and other people's bug reports to guess the item name and add it to my inventory. Still - where exactly could I have found the thing?

BTW, out of sheer curiosity - MF, are there any endings that you'd say you consider 'good' ones?

The game design and story have replayability in mind, but I tried to make even the depressing endings at least satisfying. Not all endings are equally satisfying, I suppose. Curious which one you got.

The mouseover stickiness is a known issue that boils down to an unreliable Unity UI call. I'm using a different mouseover approach for my new game that I'll implement in TO at some point. It seems trivial but it's pretty hard to fix with the way things are set up.

The motor at the Throat of Kraken is on the workbench on the far side from where you enter the Throat building. It's not in the room where Kuo is holed up, but in the larger area. It should have a blueish light shining on it so you'll know it's something special. Depending on your GPU settings you might be stuck with just the baked lighting where it's still there but not as prominent. It's in plain view. I could make it even more prominent, but now that you can highlight things like this with TAB it shouldn't be an issue.

As for good endings, it's like Fallout where your story is based on a lot of factors:
A few of the singularity endings are 'good', where you have to balance between keeping it occupied and maintaining some agency for humanity. Quite a few of the singularity endings are various degrees of bad. There are a bunch of ways to end the game with the AI and your mileage may vary. The singularity endings do tend to trivialize some of the more worldly aspects of the story and this is reflected in the ending slides.

The best outcome for the player is probably tasking the AI to making the PC wealthy and healthy. The best outcome for humanity is probably to get it to terraform Titan because that self-limits the AI.

The Chinese ending after you do all of their quests is 'good' if you don't care about everything else. So is ending by leaving with Magnus. If you leave everything else be, you'll get a few slides with bad results, of course.

Waiting for the Megiddo to arrive and having everything in place for the final showdown and not siding with Daisuke a good ending. Ending through the 'Green, green, grass of home' quest can be better if you convince Val not to blow things up. Those two endings follow a more traditional RPG quest arc and incorporate the most ending slide variables.

If you meant 'good' as in interesting rather than from the angle of a positive resolution, I hope they all qualify to some extent. I personally like the one where, if you do everything you're told without question, including building the singularity and tasking it to gather methane, and subsequently wait until the Megiddo arrives and still follow orders or bail after doing that, you get the most destructive ending of all.


Jun 18, 2018
My team has the sexiest and deadliest waifus you can recruit.
The game design and story have replayability in mind, but I tried to make even the depressing endings at least satisfying. Not all endings are equally satisfying, I suppose. Curious which one you got.

Singularity. With the 'cheated' safe I was uniquely pre-set to spam computer rooms. I had a bunch of polymers, loads of methane, and all the research to make sure that I'll be swimming in energy, so I only occasionally ordered mineral drops. I got the tenth room some time before the arrival of the fourth freighter. Wasn't expecting to get an ending this way - was somewhat suspecting that I'll need to do some research on the neural manifold data first, and/or wait for some data from Hershel/Daisuke.

Given the opportunity to select from a few endings, I clicked on the 'lead humanity to happiness' or somesuch, with the end result being general, cheerful degeneration of the human race. This seemed somehow at odds with the fact that I seeded the lichen as well, so sometime in the future, the node stopped operating - guess the AI must've had a separate set-up prepared before that happened.

The motor at the Throat of Kraken is on the workbench on the far side from where you enter the Throat building. It's not in the room where Kuo is holed up, but in the larger area. It should have a blueish light shining on it so you'll know it's something special. Depending on your GPU settings you might be stuck with just the baked lighting where it's still there but not as prominent. It's in plain view. I could make it even more prominent, but now that you can highlight things like this with TAB it shouldn't be an issue.

Found it with your advice. Posting a screen of how it looked for me - for some reason I didn't get the highlight to pop-up, so I guess that's where my confusion stemmed from.

As for good endings, it's like Fallout where your story is based on a lot of factors:
A few of the singularity endings are 'good', where you have to balance between keeping it occupied and maintaining some agency for humanity. Quite a few of the singularity endings are various degrees of bad. There are a bunch of ways to end the game with the AI and your mileage may vary. The singularity endings do tend to trivialize some of the more worldly aspects of the story and this is reflected in the ending slides.

Right, as I mentioned - those felt slightly unsatisfying to me, as they omit the "how" of how it happened, and mostly say what happened. Must be a hidden, transhumanist agenda! :rpgcodex:

[A whole load of info on potential endings]

Probably shouldn't have read through these spoilers. :D I meant 'good' as in 'gives you this happy, fuzzy feeling in your stomach'. I really need to re-run the game.

Also, two other random things that I recalled while looking through the list of saves:
- If you research the mysterious blueish material early on, and then pick two more samples of it in the Gsomethingsomething crater, the option to research those appears again. If you click it (I did, expecting some more in-depth options to appear) - both 'eggs' disappear, with no new research option appearing. I imagine this was to be expected, but it feels like a check should be in place which tests if the tech is already unlocked before eating those from your inventory.
- I'm not 100% sure on this - this might've been a misclick - but at one point Daisuke asks you to send him William files, and you can either do this or ask for more info on those. I think I clicked the second option - but the game continued as though I've picked the first one.


The Boar Studio
Dec 8, 2002
Found it with your advice. Posting a screen of how it looked for me - for some reason I didn't get the highlight to pop-up, so I guess that's where my confusion stemmed from.

Highlighting is a new feature and some interactables are hidden from it. I just checked and the motor is hidden. It wasn't an issue before and the feature is just a bit of extra QoL, but now that the highlighting exists people will want to rely on it. I'll go over all the interactables to see if they're hidden or not.
Right, as I mentioned - those felt slightly unsatisfying to me, as they omit the "how" of how it happened, and mostly say what happened. Must be a hidden, transhumanist agenda! :rpgcodex:
I see what you mean, but by its nature this ending is slightly abstract. So much so, that there are about ten different ways to determine just one ending slide for it. It depends on what you tell it to do, if you have access to its core programming.

[A whole load of info on potential endings]
Probably shouldn't have read through these spoilers. :D I meant 'good' as in 'gives you this happy, fuzzy feeling in your stomach'. I really need to re-run the game.
Well, there are a couple of those. I guess it is even possible not to have a single negative ending slide.
- If you research the mysterious blueish material early on, and then pick two more samples of it in the Gsomethingsomething crater, the option to research those appears again. If you click it (I did, expecting some more in-depth options to appear) - both 'eggs' disappear, with no new research option appearing. I imagine this was to be expected, but it feels like a check should be in place which tests if the tech is already unlocked before eating those from your inventory.
- I'm not 100% sure on this - this might've been a misclick - but at one point Daisuke asks you to send him William files, and you can either do this or ask for more info on those. I think I clicked the second option - but the game continued as though I've picked the first one.

Yeah, good catch, you should only be able to process them as loot by that point. Thanks. I'll fix it.

Not sure about the second one, I'll add it to my list.


Dec 24, 2018
Scutterudite thermocouple is bugged. "Use" window never closes, the item never gets consumed. You can spam use button and get infinite xp that way.


The Boar Studio
Dec 8, 2002
Can't reproduce. Are you sure that's in the latest version?

Checked every button in the use window for the item, and applying it to the generator also works like a charm. Do you mean the popup at the generator panel or using the item from inventory?


Dec 24, 2018
Can't reproduce. Are you sure that's in the latest version?

Checked every button in the use window for the item, and applying it to the generator also works like a charm. Do you mean the popup at the generator panel or using the item from inventory?
Doing it from the power panels works normally. It automatically offers installation when I press it. If I refuse, open the door and click on the generator directly - bug happens.

I'm playing 1.3 version and I had this bug even on full restart.


Dec 24, 2018
Ah, got it, thanks! Didn't check that one.

More bugs then. When you choose this dialogue option when building first computer VA is bugged. Horst incorrectly says this phase (which is power dialogue) and only after it he says what is written on the screen.

Second bug - this actually does not happen. I build first computer but he never shared anything. All 3 research still cost money and he only gave a discount. I still have to buy them.


Dec 24, 2018
Another bug - can't ask Ekta for another colonist. If I press negotiate icon or select a dialogue game breaks and disables controls.

Game restart fixed it so not sure about the trigger. Probably reloading like usual.
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Dec 24, 2018
Drank some coffee and that hooch from a corpse, on expiry my morale got nuked even with stoic. Intended? Looks like an overflow.

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Dec 24, 2018
That part when you need to convince Karen to cook the books. You have two options in goals, so that she does it herself or give you access codes. If you reload, goal screen breaks and becomes empty.

This bug actually happens for all characters.

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The Boar Studio
Dec 8, 2002
Thanks. Between you and Stratopator's reports I've got my weekend booked.

The morale debuff for a hangover and caffeine withdrawal stack and multiply each other, so the massive drop is intentional, but 0 should be the bottom.

rusty, my codebase for Jovian System is cleaner, but I do reuse systems from TO, so quite a few of these fixes benefit both games.

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