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  • All the posts I see from you are good. It makes me wonder how you got the village idiot tag.
    and then I scrolled down and saw the answer to this right after I posted lol
    Which games are storyfag games according to you?
    I think 99% of games ever made, but I am sensitive to stories. If it has more than, "Go forth and save the day" then I will be annoyed at it. I don't mind if it is really well written though, but that is 1 in a million. To me Eye of the Beholder 2 should be the template for every game that wants a story.
    The ultimate probably being PST
    Hey. Where are you from dude?
    Ah don't recognize that name :/ Might have been on a different server.
    Yea, he played EQ on the PC while I played EQ on the PS2 and EQ2 on the PC. The PS2 version was kinda brutal(by current day mmo standards. I've played DAoC and went into 0 Sec space as a newb in Eve Online) and there were trains and all that mess. All the stuff you mentioned like traveling long distances in dangerous areas with buddies and no map made the game fun.
    Yea! I think it sounds too harsh until you try a game like that and then you see it is way more intense and fun. I really need to try EVE Online sometime. That game is kinda scary when you start, so much to learn.
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