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Capcom’s Kunitsu-Gami: Path of the Goddess

Nov 23, 2017
It probably doesn’t need to do what most other Capcom games do, it’s a nice looking game, but it looks like it’s a lower budget game too. It’s also going to be on Game Pass right out of the gate, so they probably made a nice chunk of change off that deal. If Microsoft is still paying for Game Pass games what that leak had, it’s possible they already made money on the game before it even came out. I wouldn’t be surprised if it was made as a lower budget game for the Game Pass market that they’re also selling too.

Lyre Mors

Nov 8, 2007
Where's all the Kunitsu-gami bros? Game seems to be doing as terribly as I predicted. It looks like great fun though. Pretty much the only thing holding me back is the price, as it sounds like the game kind of caps out at around 20-25 hours of gameplay. Not sure on the replayability or side content or anything like that though.

So, any of you playing it?
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Damned Registrations

Furry Weeaboo Nazi Nihilist
Feb 24, 2007
Don't have the means to play it right now but even if I did... I think I'd pass. The whole tower defense kind of gimmick they have going with the priestess and villagers seems shallow mechanically, and so does the combat. It looks like a decent game but my backlog is full of awesome games. Maybe if this were working on the scale of a full on dynasty warriors battle, and you had multiple weapons you could use, or the roles had a whole complex tech tree to work with a variety of strategies or something I'd be on board; but collecting orbs so I can have some archers plink enemies a bit while I do bog standard swordplay stuff isn't doing it for me.

Damned Registrations

Furry Weeaboo Nazi Nihilist
Feb 24, 2007
It looks like a decent game but my backlog is full of awesome games
I get the sentiment. But now you've got me curious. What are some of the awesome games in your backlog?
Hmm. Gotta finish X-Piratez when I get back home. Thinking of doing a wiz 7 LP after that, or maybe one of Crystal Project with some extra difficulty tweaks. Haven't had a chance to try dragon's dogma 2 yet, or SMT 5, both games I've been looking forward to for ages. Unicorn Overlord as well. There's a new SaGa game I feel like I should try too even if I'm skeptical, series has had some real gems and combat looks cool. I never got around to the proper endgame of Nioh 2 and have been meaning to do that as well. Ditto for Troubleshooter actually. Quasimorph and USC Counterforce both look right up my alley and haven't had a chance to try either really (*Played Quasimorph for like an hour- seems good.) Never played a Yakuza game and after seeing some stuff on them feel like I should give the series a shot. Arcen is making some crazy game where you play as a rogue AI trying to conquer the world and it seemed really cool from the beta test I joined. I wanted to play more but had no time.

Given I tend to get burnt out on a particular genre for a while and bounce between them, I just can't see myself playing this game any time soon. I probably won't even get around to both Nioh 2 and Dragon's Dogma 2 before the new Monster Hunter comes out. (Never got around to try MH Rise either, not sure if I should bother or skip it.)

In a less specific sense; something I've wanted to try for quite a while now is an archipelago randomizer, either solo or maybe with some friends or codexers. I can imagine that eating up a ton of time. Randomizers and roguelikes in general eat up a lot of my time, as they never really disappear off my playable games list, I just ragequit them for a while before eventually returning. I'll probably dip my toes in a fighting game again at some point as well.

As examples of the bar this game would need to exceed to even qualify for the eternal backlog- I only beat AC6 once despite it having multiple endings with alternate bosses and stuff I missed, and I haven't played the Elden Ring DLC either despite having a pretty good experience with the base game, and I don't think I'm going to end up doing either. Also haven't picked up and of the other recent souls-likes like Lies of P or a bunch of others I can't even remember. And that's just games in the same general genre of hack and slash combat.


Feb 7, 2006
Divinity: Original Sin 2
I've been playing this since release on Game Pass, 14 hours played so far. I HATE tower defense games but the aesthetics of this one were unique enough to make me interested. I can confidently say the game is simply fantastic. The gameplay is nothing extraordinary by itself, it's a top down action game with tower defense elements, but the art style and the good production values elevate the whole product. NPCs and monsters are beautifully animated, the UI is consistent with the art style, everything is explained with lore or flavor text, and so on. There are some tedious gameplay loops, like a base rebuilding aspect after you finish a mission, and forced mission repeats if you want to get all bonuses, but since the game has so much charm to it, it doesn't bother me. The game starts slow and a bit too simple, which will probably cause some people to quickly dismiss it, but then every new mission introduces a new gameplay mechanic, including a whole progression tree for your character, that suddenly adds lots of new moves out of nowhere (and that was after more than 10 hours already played). That would be my main criticism, the pacing is a bit off, which can lead to bad first impressions. But aside from that, I have no other major complaints. Also, kudos for having the balls to make the maiden a hot japanese girl and not some ugly negress

The game is beautiful and it plays and feels great. Highly recommended, especially if you have Game Pass

Lyre Mors

Nov 8, 2007
I also hate tower defense, so it's good to know that someone who shares that opinion has found so much enjoyment in the game. It's the only other thing about it that had me hesitant, but I wasn't super worried about it because there appeared to be enough other stuff going on with the game that the tower defense aspect wouldn't be particularly accentuated.

Damned Registrations

Furry Weeaboo Nazi Nihilist
Feb 24, 2007
I HATE tower defense games
I also hate tower defense
Out of curiosity, what are your experiences with the genre and why do you hate it so much? I've found there's a pretty vast difference between something like Plants vs Zombies and Bloons TD or old turret defense maps in RTS games vs the really complex stuff like Dungeon Warfare 2 or the various later TD maps that came out in WC3's lifecycle that involved crazy elements like poker hands, elemental combinations or energy supply logistics, or pvp aspects. And there's plenty with more active gameplay as well with spells to cast and such if it's the passive aspect during waves that kills it for you.


Feb 7, 2006
Divinity: Original Sin 2
I HATE tower defense games
I also hate tower defense
Out of curiosity, what are your experiences with the genre and why do you hate it so much? I've found there's a pretty vast difference between something like Plants vs Zombies and Bloons TD or old turret defense maps in RTS games vs the really complex stuff like Dungeon Warfare 2 or the various later TD maps that came out in WC3's lifecycle that involved crazy elements like poker hands, elemental combinations or energy supply logistics, or pvp aspects. And there's plenty with more active gameplay as well with spells to cast and such if it's the passive aspect during waves that kills it for you.
My experience is limited to, as you said, certain maps on old RTS like Warcraft or Total Annihilation: Kingdoms, and playing Kingdom Rush on my phone while travelling. And maybe setting defensive perimeters in Factorio also counts. I have zero interest in exploring more of that genre because it simply does not appeal to me. But I'm loving Kunitsu Gami because, instead of Kingdom Rush, it reminds more of Sacrifice, but with less back and forth

Lyre Mors

Nov 8, 2007
Yeah, pretty much the same. The entire concept of tower defense is generally unappealing to me: rudimentary map design, wave-based enemies, focus on defending rather than more of a mix of offensive and defensive scenarios. I'd say it's just generally too simple of a concept to base a genre around, and one that leans particularly into a sense of repetition and lack of variety.

it reminds more of Sacrifice
Now that's a comparison I like to see!


Sep 13, 2023
Tower defense? Similar to Sacrifice? Did the guys that made those Rampage tower defense Quests in Monster Hunter: Rise get bored and start on their own project??

Even the aesthetics look very Rise to me. Japanese cultural pride to the max.

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