Can somebody please tell me how Infinitron, one of the dumbest fucks presently on the Codex, achieved *staff* status?
Uh, I gave them my secret recipes for horse meat? But wait, that doesn't work, horse isn't kosher.
Question: Do you agree that one of the main reasons there was such a backlash against early 3D games such as NWN is that their tile-based aesthetic was seen as a step back from the graphical fidelity achieved by the prerendered 2D games that preceded them? Not the only reason, mind you, but a major one, perhaps the main reason?
I'd say that the problem with 3D is that early 3D was very blocky and undetailed compared to its contemporary 2D and 2.5D.
It generally looked much better in motion (because it could animate smoothly), but in stills it was just plain shitty. It also failed to support complex animations with pre-baked lighting effects - while animations in general worked better because they were smooth, you couldn't have, for example an enemy burst open in fountain of gore and collapse into a heap of guts and broken bones, or robot break and collapse into a pile of scrap lit up by explosions and electric arcs from the inside.
Also, whoever considers NWN to be *early* 3D is a dumb twat.
As for tiles, they aren't inherently bad, but they may cause problems. Generally if you have too much tiles in your view at once, you start noticing repetitiveness of scenery, which is bad.
You can also use tiling only part of the time and independently of mechanics actually involving discrete movement.
In any case, Arcanum's problems have little to do with tiling itself.
Tell me, are Arcanum's tiles and character animations a higher resolution than Fallout's? I have a feeling that'd be the cause for the "plastic" feel . . .
That's probably one of the main causes - more resolution but with the same amount of detail.
When you looked at Fallout closely you could see details all the way down to the pixels.
If you look at Arcanum, details end way before pixels start - so you could say that Arcanum looks bad largely due to the same reasons early 3D does - which is amusing if you consider stupid dolts holding arcanum visuals in high esteem but dismissing any and all 3D.
Then there is issue of tiles, sprites and areas using them not really conveying either splendor or squallor they should.
Lastly, it might be related to dev team not feeling their setting. Fallout was typically American setting done by American team. You couldn't really expect Europeans making good Fallout that would feel right. OTOH eastern Europeans made STALKER, and imagininig kwanzanian doing STALKER would be just no.
Quasi-victorian steampunk is very definitely not an American setting. Maybe if Arcanum was done by Brits instead, or at least had Brits leading tilework, spritework, area design and some of setting's lore, it would have worked better.