Harg Harfardarssen
That's probably one of the main causes - more resolution but with the same amount of detail.Tell me, are Arcanum's tiles and character animations a higher resolution than Fallout's? I have a feeling that'd be the cause for the "plastic" feel . . .
When you looked at Fallout closely you could see details all the way down to the pixels.
If you look at Arcanum, details end way before pixels start - so you could say that Arcanum looks bad largely due to the same reasons early 3D does - which is amusing if you consider stupid dolts holding arcanum visuals in high esteem but dismissing any and all 3D.
Then there is issue of tiles, sprites and areas using them not really conveying either splendor or squallor they should.
Sounds kind of like the uncanny valley. TL;DR version - low-res sprites and tiles don't try to look like real things. Comparably detailed high-res sprites and tiles try and fail.
Basically if what you can represent visually is limited by pixels, you will settle for a certain level of abstraction. A green blotch with a brown square beneath it represents a tree. A smaller brown square means its a bush. Since its just representing a tree you really don't care that it doens't look like one. Similarly, since it doesn't look like a tree, you don't really care that all the not-trees look the same.
Once you can start to represent things more naturalistically (in the sense of mimicking the physical world), then repetitiveness and missing detail becomes far more jarring, as you expect something different.