Ok, we can have a better system:
Take keywords system like from Morrowind (Hey! Don't throw poo at me... at least for now) and Wizardry.
Well, latter is a special case:
You could 'manipulate' the keywords by 'tell me about' and 'where is...' switches (perhaps more, cannot remember it for now).
Now, you can try and extend/improve such a system, where you'll set your mood and intent before asking about a something, plus extra flag like using intimidation or bribery attempt, etc...
And have a full set of actions available from already mentioned gestures (for silent types, or those who prefer speak with actions), from simple ‘nod’, ‘shrug’ and ‘middle finger’ , to complex, skill-based moves, like abovementioned break neck maneuver.
Target: Quest NPC.
Keyword: SomeGuy.
Intent: Ask about it’s identity (other options: whereabouts, history, etc)
A few examples of other intents: distract (followed by some action, of course), agree/confirm, disagree/decline, tell about (usually in response... but you can try and tell about yourself to start a conversation, I guess.)... something else, cannot think of right now.
Mood: Cheerful.
Extra: Bribe.
Will generate a phrase like: “Hey dude, can you please tell me about SomeGuy? I will make it worth your while!”
Or, similar target and intent, but menacing mood and extra - intimidate and add gesture/emote like shaking a fist:
“Hey you! Tell all about SomeGuy that you know, or I’ll punch your face in!” *You shake your fist at NPC*.
So, first will depend on your bribery and general spacecraft skills, and second will depend on your intimidation ability (and outlook - being ham-fisted will help).
How the phrases will be constructed should also depend on your stats and skills. (Higher int and speechcraft - more elaborate... unlike what I’ve presented as example, heh.).
Or you can set intent to ‘distract’, then pick random keyword and try to lull your opponent while you execute ‘break neck’ (or ‘knock out’ or whatever) action.
Btw, that action should be also any spell you can cast (like ‘Charm’ will work like... well, fine ), or attack you can perform otherwise... well, ANY action you can do.
Of course, it does not help ‘paralyzation’ issue in the slightest, but I think it will:
1. Will give players much greater opportunity to roleplay your character.
2. Will save designers time to write all stuff like above, only have to make a comprehensive speech gen (which can be a challenge in itself, I suspect, though)
Of course (or, better said, most likely), replies will have to be made by hand (especially if they are voiced), yet...
Anyway, pardon my ramblings (hmm, it’s kinda late here already), but it’s indeed a dialogue system I’d like to see in a RPG.
And besides, it will not be way too cumbersome with clever interface arrangements - like ability to save presents that fit your archetype (like if you like to bribe or browbeat people for info left and right, etc).
Btw, that way you can play a real weirdo - like pushing death threats with a smile, etc.
If all this will be implemented somehow - that would be a blast...
Especially if all this would really matter in game.
Take keywords system like from Morrowind (Hey! Don't throw poo at me... at least for now) and Wizardry.
Well, latter is a special case:
You could 'manipulate' the keywords by 'tell me about' and 'where is...' switches (perhaps more, cannot remember it for now).
Now, you can try and extend/improve such a system, where you'll set your mood and intent before asking about a something, plus extra flag like using intimidation or bribery attempt, etc...
And have a full set of actions available from already mentioned gestures (for silent types, or those who prefer speak with actions), from simple ‘nod’, ‘shrug’ and ‘middle finger’ , to complex, skill-based moves, like abovementioned break neck maneuver.
Target: Quest NPC.
Keyword: SomeGuy.
Intent: Ask about it’s identity (other options: whereabouts, history, etc)
A few examples of other intents: distract (followed by some action, of course), agree/confirm, disagree/decline, tell about (usually in response... but you can try and tell about yourself to start a conversation, I guess.)... something else, cannot think of right now.
Mood: Cheerful.
Extra: Bribe.
Will generate a phrase like: “Hey dude, can you please tell me about SomeGuy? I will make it worth your while!”
Or, similar target and intent, but menacing mood and extra - intimidate and add gesture/emote like shaking a fist:
“Hey you! Tell all about SomeGuy that you know, or I’ll punch your face in!” *You shake your fist at NPC*.
So, first will depend on your bribery and general spacecraft skills, and second will depend on your intimidation ability (and outlook - being ham-fisted will help).
How the phrases will be constructed should also depend on your stats and skills. (Higher int and speechcraft - more elaborate... unlike what I’ve presented as example, heh.).
Or you can set intent to ‘distract’, then pick random keyword and try to lull your opponent while you execute ‘break neck’ (or ‘knock out’ or whatever) action.
Btw, that action should be also any spell you can cast (like ‘Charm’ will work like... well, fine ), or attack you can perform otherwise... well, ANY action you can do.
Of course, it does not help ‘paralyzation’ issue in the slightest, but I think it will:
1. Will give players much greater opportunity to roleplay your character.
2. Will save designers time to write all stuff like above, only have to make a comprehensive speech gen (which can be a challenge in itself, I suspect, though)
Of course (or, better said, most likely), replies will have to be made by hand (especially if they are voiced), yet...
Anyway, pardon my ramblings (hmm, it’s kinda late here already), but it’s indeed a dialogue system I’d like to see in a RPG.
And besides, it will not be way too cumbersome with clever interface arrangements - like ability to save presents that fit your archetype (like if you like to bribe or browbeat people for info left and right, etc).
Btw, that way you can play a real weirdo - like pushing death threats with a smile, etc.
If all this will be implemented somehow - that would be a blast...
Especially if all this would really matter in game.