Web game can be wrapped into non-web game, and is easy to port to lot of platforms. Including web platform.
Also, there is a ton of free assets in the net that could make your prototype less bleedy-eyey until you find the artist.
Well, I darkened the GUI color scheme, better? Eh, could use some ground tiles/textures, little trees and shit. I'm also gonna add walk & attack animations, with weapons in hand. I get that almost for free by using the casual/anime-looking characters from my ARPG; those are actually articulated spline models. Gotta draw some soldiers & weapons, and more maps.
Gameplay first though. Did a lot of work on "stepwise combat" (eh, probably too creative, might have to go with traditional turnbased). Also added some unbalanced spells/weapons such as the gauss cannon, and Equipment and Party Inventory dialogs (tip of the hat to Excidium II - agenda acknowledged & approved, stats and sorting TBD).
Goddamn. Fuck you. Icon inventories are among the worst thing to happen to CRPGs. I don't want to look through retarded tiny pictures of shit i'm carrying. I want names and important stats available at a glance and sortable.
worse, inventory tetris