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  • Welcome back! I started worrying that something is wrong.
    I liked From A Lost Tunnel as well.
    Damn, just found that you posted new game as well!
    Just make a post on the Codex already.
    Thanks, I don't mention the small games to not confuse even more people who are already not convinced the only big one is a real game. I've just started to put another big game together, I might integrate the layouts of the small games (except the last one for reasons) into it with very little twists, it could be in 16th century fictional world with little fantasy but all that could change.
    Hello, I going to ask if you were still working on a followup to Note of the Outskirts, and now I see you've been gone for months. You'd better be coming back, and you'd better be working on something!
    Hehe, thanks for the support, there's a chance I'll release an horror/fairy tale/gothic game someday, more of the same in fantasy and with events, I've been taking notes. Note sure if I'll release a small sequel (something like Wizardry 2) to NOTO in the meantime, this linear dungeon I've never used could eventually be that.
    Strange Fellow
    Strange Fellow
    If you make another full-sized game, let me pay for it this time!! Seriously though, I'm just happy you didn't leave forever :D
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