You guys rely way too heavily on client side authority. I know you all said "Battle Eye"
(Which is Cancer) then thought you could close the books but there is some serious issues architecturally..
For example:
Character creation, I can modify those slider values to whatever I want using something as silly as a Memory Editor. As a test I hosted a local server with battle eye disabled and used cheat engine
(highly detectable but keep reading) and made my dick 8 feet long. I also was able to define my size and any other morphs I wanted to.. Interestingly my dick actually had collision which made me stuck in the ground.
Now who cares, Battle Eye will catch that - but your company disabled battle eye on official servers before you kicked PingPerfect to the curb.
Now in theory one of your servers has this giant dicked monster sitting in a database waiting to be migrated to a battle eye protected server when you guys get around to finding a hosting company.
Will you retroactively ban people? or go through and purge all invalid entries?
(Dick Morph Values are between 0.5 and 2.5 I think roughly)
What if instead I morphed my character to 0.0001 size ? Do you use capsule collision or would I be unhittable?
(I personally did not do this on an official server but this wasn't hard to figure out - I bet someone did)
There is a wide array of things like this.. like when you login and the world doesn't load immediately allowing you to walk through walls before the colliders stream in or just de-syncing capabilities in general. All requiring no process hooking or packet shaping or anything that would trigger Battle Eye.. Unless of course Battle Eye just starts banning innocent players once a Bypass is found..
Considering your game has no guns, you could of really just invested 20 minutes into making a more authoritative server and not spent a bunch of money on a poorly made cheat detection software that bloats your servers and kills performance.
Aimbots are really the only useful cheat assuming your server side is up to snuff.
All that said - good luck and I hope this game is successful for you guys.