The use of vulgar manners and language is not a social degeneracy.
Obviously in the past people were not using pretty words all the time, but they used insults and profane words when it was required. Insulting just because was considered to be disgusting even in the lower classes.
Hmmm. Yes-No. Everyone insulted everybody, but only the Jester insutled the King (if you count in telling the undesired truth, critique, parody and mocking as an insult and this is why in german the term Narrenfreiheit exists).
The higher classes insulted only more verbose and eloqutent, while the lower classes insulted more mundane. Nevertheless insulting was viewed as godless behavior, since it is written that you should not do it in the bible.
I propose to you to read about Cyrano de Bergerac and not only the novel from 1897, but also the verses that the real man spelled out. Intelligent people insult in an intelligent manner, stupid people insult in a stupid manner. But the problem is how should an intelligent man insult a stupid man in an intelligent manner, so that the stupid will understand this?
Goethe in his Götz von Berlichingen where he rebelled against the writing romanticism norms
Goethe was one
of the main inspirations to german romanticism.
It is nice that you know this, but that does not invalidate my statement about Goethes intention.
Sturm und Drang (1765-1785) was the an early stage and the precursor to early german romanticism (Frühromantik) (1795-1804). Sturm und Drang was rebellious against tradition, authority and deprecated moral values, while the German Romanticism was more directed inward as the Sturm and Drang period has "failed in its rebelion". And despite that the criticism against norms still remained in romanticism, but was directed towards normal functional values, like diligence and precision or punctuality.
I should point here out that the swabian salute was still not printed in the early reprints (at least 60 years). And Goethe used the swabian salute, because the real Götz has written it down in his autobiography. People were always swearing and coursing, but the view of many people is obscured due to the fact that it is less represented in past writings due to the euphemistic writing norms.
Götz von Berlichingen (1773) and Die Leiden des jungen Werthers (1774), which is attributed as the spark for later german romaticism (besides Schiller's Die Räuber), because of the rework and reprint in 1787, are written just one year apart.
Now think why i have give you a brofist, while Grotesque received from me a shit rating.
I have forgotten to mention that Mozart wrote a canon "Leck mich im Arsch" in 1782, but it was not published during his lifetime and the text was later changed by the publisher to "Lasst froh uns sein". The original text from Mozart was rediscovered in 1991. Another awkward canon, which text was changed by Mozart, is "Leck mir den Arsch fein recht schön sauber". And who has not forgotten "Bona nox!"
So much for the "culture" of the greatest german / austrian komponist Mozart (his father was also known for such a language).
A few insults and retard tags a day, keeps the SJWs away.