Child of Malkav
Well, one of the first interviews they did after the gameplay reveal was titled Cyberpunk 2077 is not an immersive sim. So, yeah, that was that from back then.
Wow, so, does this mean you could create an intersex character? That's honestly really cool. I appreciate how inclusive all this customization sounds. Yeah, you'll get people going crazy with the sizes and shit but like, this sounds like they're really trying to make a game where V can look however the player wants them to be and that's extremely encouraging in a game industry that always talks the talk about diversity and inclusion but doesn't always walk the walk. Good on CD Projekt RED.
I know a lot of people on r/games don't understand why inclusion and representation is important, but I was debating whether to get this game on launch or wait for a sale, and this is literally the thing that's going to tip me over to "buy on launch"
It's definitely great to see a big AAA game have customization that has this much depth and thoughtfulness for sure. Also, no mention of "sexual violence" in the ratings descriptor which I'm very happy to hear.
It's pretty rare now where it's still mostly socially not accepted and hard to deal with medically, but in a future where no one gives a fuck and customizing your body on a whim is commonplace?
I mean it's a pretty common theme in Sci-fi to have fluid gender identities and sexual orientation.
Yes, I am aware of the difference.
Nonbinary people exist, and the more that the idea of gender as a spectrum becomes commonplace, the more people realize they're nonbinary. You really think that, in a world where non-cis genders are fully accepted and body modification is commonplace, there wouldn't be a decent number of nonbinary people choosing to modify their body to something outside the typical sex binary?
I was assuming that the ability to make a non-cis character just meant that you chose a voice and body type instead of sex, like a good few games are doing these days. The fact that it apparently goes well beyond that is actually really cool. Sounds like you'll straight up be able to make any sort of gender and sex combination that you want.
It's neat that you'll apparently be able to make a binary trans character and still have a passing voice; I think that might be a first outside of text-based games and VNs.
Intersex is a collection of genetic syndromes where your reproductive organs and genitalia is in various states of completeness or combinations.
So that everyone knows what intersex is:
Intersex people are individuals born with any of several variations in sex characteristics including chromosomes, gonads, sex hormones or genitals that, according to the UN Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights, "do not fit the typical definitions for male or female bodies".
I don't know why someone would want a small penis and a half-formed vagina for example.
That's only part of being intersex. Having half formed genitals is part of it being medically hard to deal with today. However, in the future, they could change half formed to fully formed, and you could have a monster dong and a fully functional vagina. This would still be considered intersex btw
I think you're getting intersex confused with transgender.
No I'm not. You're just not able to comprehend why non-existent future people wouldn't conform to today's standards. It's the future, get with it.
Any hints on if Mr.Studd/Midnight lady implants are in the game so I don't have to create an intersex freak which I can't respec?
Per the report, "Players can select a gender and customize their character; customization can include depictions of breasts, buttocks, and genitalia, as well as various sizes and combinations of genitals."
This would appear to be a part of CD Projekt Red's decision not to include a traditional gender option in the game, instead offering a "really inclusive" expanded character customization menu.
Any hints on if Mr.Studd/Midnight lady implants are in the game so I don't have to create an intersex freak which I can't respec?![]()
Ingame commercial.
But will there be meaningful mechanics to this? Making a massive dick should give higher chance of getting critically hit, but should also boost your charisma with women and gays, for example.