This review got me interested enough to 'not remove it from inventory'... and I got hooked for a couple of days straight (while I was recovering from cycling overload). Graphics are nice, combat is satisfying and loot progression seems just right. Story and exploration is rather rudimentary at this point, but does show promise. Too bad wizard class is not implemented yet, and summoner is pretty lame - perhaps someone can suggest a good build?
Off to buy Pioneer pack.
Yeah Arcanist is missing sadly. What did you not like about the Occultist?
Pure soldier is a lot of fun. I mixed with a demolitionist and it gets fucking crazy at times man, really fun.
Spells are rather weak, summons die easily, don't inflict a whole lot of damage and usually suck at 'keeping aggro' - meaning you have to kite like mad, running around in circles (cue Yakety Sax) while your hellhound takes feeble bites out of enemy asses. Of course, I don't have much 'pet damage, speed, etc' items, but this is way too much hassle. Perhaps I'll backup saves and mess around with respeccing.
So far demolutionis is the most powerful class. Flashbang + high attack values => almost 100% crits chance with +3-+5 multipliers popping up pretty often. In fact, I think flashbang is pretty much the most OP skill in the game. Maybe it's usefulness will wane on higher difficulties, though.
And cluster bombs are pretty insane. Grenado is very powerful too.