My boss comes to ruin my Dnd club and it spectacularly backfires. I also get three more players.
Game Tales
I work in a school and have a group of 8-12 year old kids who play. It’s a relatively new club and I’m a relatively new DM I’ve done about 8 sessions so far.
Backstory: I live and work in an international school so we have staff and pupils from many different countries. Therefore culture is set mainly by the school and the pupils not by the nation the school is in.
I see the school councillor and suggest that role playing would help some of the pupils we have who are quiet, withdrawn and the ones who are on the spectrum. She agrees and supports my proposal. I present it to senior leadership to get a budget and buy some stuff PHB DMG etc etc. They are supportive except for one deputy head (DH) who is a retired American professional sports player. This DH says that they should be doing sport everyday and that extra sport not pretending to be someone you’re not is the answer. DH is widely ignored once councillor and I explain potential benefits.
Session 5: We are short staffed so DH is on duty at school. DH decides that it would be a great idea to come the building I’m in. Of the 10 pupils I have in the library area 7 are there to play Dnd. I tell DH this and DH decides that the 3 who are not playing must be the ‘cool’ kids. So goes to speak to them. 5 minutes into the conversation the girls say they are leaving because they are off to play Dnd. DH tries to convince them to stay and says that they don’t see the point in it. Girls leave and come to play Dnd. DH goes over to the three who are not playing and starts telling them how sport is great and do they want to go and ‘shoot some hoops.’ Three remaining kids get scared they will be outside for sport so then decide they want to watch Dnd too. I now have a party of 7 and 3 kids observing who have never played before! As we begin and I manage to get some premade characters in case they decide they want to join in. They are happy just watching for now. Then DH walks in to ‘supervise’.
I start describing the scene and DH sits with some of the pupils.
‘You’re walking down a corridor. Everyone roll your D20.’
kids enthusiastically roll dice. A swarm of rats is approaching them.
DH ‘what’s the point of this?’ before I can even reply one of the ‘cool’ girls (CG) does.
‘What do you mean what is the point? It’s fun. Oh no these rats are gonna attack us.’
DH: ‘Look there isn’t even a board, I mean what are you even doing?’
CG: ‘We are fighting these rats. You don’t get it don’t worry this is my character sheet and let me explain to you how it works.’
While explaining the character sheet she has a brain wave about the rats
‘You know Brian the Druid might be able to talk to the rats so we don’t need to fight them.’ DH gives a snort when CG says ‘druid’
DH: ‘Brian who is Brian? We don’t even have a Brian.’
CG: ‘Ed’s character is called Brian.’
DH: ‘Oh so Ed can deal with these ‘rats’?’
CG: ‘no it’s his character not him. He can’t deal with rats but he is a druid so he can try and talk to the animals.’
Once some of the rats are killed the three kids who are watching decide that this is amazing, and they want to play too! I give them premade characters and say that they were attacking the rats from the other side and this is how they meet up. I sit them with people who know slightly more and can help them.
DH does not remain silent. But nor does CG.
DH: ‘So how do you know who the winner is. Someone has to win right?’
CG: ‘Yeah us or the rats.’
DH: ‘No I mean like in swimming you have a winner who is your winner?’
CG: ‘There doesn’t always have to be one person who wins does there? Let’s hope no one dies.’
DH: ‘So how do you know you have completed it then?’
CG: ‘We need to restore a city which has disappeared when it comes back then we know we will have won.’
DH: ‘But there is no city. It’s made up.’
This is when I look up and crack a smile.
CG: ‘You know if you think about it, so is all sport. It doesn’t really matter who can swim 50 metres the fastest. That’s not how anyone gets a job. My dad is so fat he never does exercise anyway’
DH: ‘But I’m asking what the point is. How do you know when you have completed it.’
CG: ‘It’s not about completing it, have you completed basketball? It’s about having fun and right now smashing these rats up as Brian FAILED his roll!’
DH makes a last try. ‘I guess I just think this is a waste of time.’
CG and now her other ‘cool’ friends are now joining in.
‘OMG how can you not see the point? Look how great my character is I just showed them to you, and you don’t see the point. Come on we get to do all this cool stuff, and there is real risk because we might die or be captured literally ANYTHING can happen.’
DH offers all ten players to come outside to play a 'real game' and leaves when they all look in disbelief at this.
When DH left the room I made sure the rats were hiding a chest which they found and unlocked and it had a wide selection of snacks in for all to enjoy.
CG is 11 years old! Imagine having such insight at 11. Imagine telling the head coach at your school that ultimately all sport was made up! It was so great, so funny and I thought I’d share it with you all here.
Imagine if I walked into DH's basketball or swimming lesson throwing the same questions around!
Fortunately, DH returned later took a photo of the group and put it in the school paper. I have my hopes that my club will be left alone by DH in future.
And on the experimental side of things the kids on the spectrums have learnt literally ALL of the rules. I have had to explain that my world is different to the players handbook.
The kid who refuses to speak in front of others loves it and now will talk to the group but only as his character and the councillor is happy as she gets to report progress with development.
Didn't know if this was 'out of game' or 'game tales' as I am relatively new to Reddit.