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  • I still haven't thanked you for bringing to my attention the whole gypsy thing in the errata for Curse of Strahd. Good stuff.
    According to Yahoo, China banned games with moral choices and gay relationships. A new era of RPGs is upon us.
    No homos and no cartoon villain dark side and light side writing? I fail to see the problem here.
    It's only a problem if you're a fan of incremental visual novel shit.
    They haven't actually decided anything yet, those were just party talks. One of the points of that presentation was making the player choose between two bad options.
    You've squeezed and pierced Ontopoly's voodoo doll too hard.
    Even my voodoo doll is impervious to the bullshit of larian cultists.
    Gaming Drama is the right place, but the last MCA thread was allowed in General Gaming for a while at first aswell, because of MCA's massive relevance to all western rpgs.
    Pay the $ to see the thread
    It's in the part of the forum where the cool guys are
    I hate all larian cultists and gimmick accounts, but if I had to choose... Larianshill >>>>>>>>>> Swen. You've gone past your gimmick and have actually made some decent comments, although I still wish one day you will learn and stop shilling for larian.
    He's only pretending to shill, Kruno is the real Larian shill
    Well, that's a high praise.
    One of the few in the DnD game threads who has as much knowledge about the rulesystems as he pretends to have. Good poster.
    Anyone who claims that 3.5 monk is anything but bottom tier is retarded. It's very easy to claim otherwise, when you know nothing on the subject, and aren't bound by things like "facts" and "evidence". Go to any optimization forum on the internet and ask about monks there. They'll be glad to have you.
    I have not played 3.5 in non-TOEE form yet, so I withheld myself from that conversation. From the rules he cited however it seemed very clear that he was in the right. The optimisation list he linked is so notorious I knew it even before I played a single DnD game and was still playing DSA. And despite being so notorious it is rarely criticised. Not knowing that list is a bad look for his argument opponents.
    The Monk class in 3.5 is hilarious. Obviously almost anything in that edition can be optimized to the point that you will one-shot every single enemy in the game, but the Monk stands out as the worst of the worst. It fails in basically anything it tries to do.
    Hey, Infinitron, can you confirm that this guy is not our good Bhaalspawn-obsessed Lilura-hating serial self-ejecting friend? I'm starting to get attached and I don't want to get hurt again
    I hadn't considered it. If it is him he's learned to obsess less about Forgotten Realms lore and more about Mass Effect?
    His AApp (Abdel Adrian per post) ratio seems a bit too low though
    I'm sure he would find a way to talk about his favorite fake-canon protagonist even in the context of other series
    Solasta vs BG3. Which one's existence would you sacrifice and erase forever if you had to choose.
    Don't get tricked, underground nymph. His apparent binary logic is just a facade: he is actually a very mystical lifeform based on unary logic.
    It's a false premise, and I'm not walking into this trap. If I say Solasta, you'll say that I'm a larian cultist. If I say BG3, you'll say that even larian cultist admit Solasta is better. They are both good games (in different aspects), and neither should, or will be erased.
    It's a hypothetical. It's not going to magically happen. Answer the question. You'll be a cultist either way.
    God forgive me for what I'm about to do... *dumps a syringe of rat poison into a belgian waffle*
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