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  • Just wanted to say, that host supports racemixing, that is all
    I consider it licit/fine, but it involves unique challenges and one shouldn't push it as a moral duty/political purity test.
    Dumbest convo this week and its Chewsday
    Latest post on Maxie's wall:

    "ED's Furry Fucking guide to metal (polskie napisy)"​

    Elea was published today! It is available in print over on Amazon's storefront:


    It is a branching novel that focuses on metaphysics and morality. You explore a forested valley and argue with the locals about philosophy... or just sit in your hotel room and post on RPG Codex. This is true choice and consequence.
    I have released a preview of my upcoming book, Elea:

    Enjoy! The full text is complete and I plan to publish the book around the end of the year.
    Weren't you making a game about the siege of some ancient greek city? How's that going?
    Yes, Siege of Plataea, but I stopped to remake an old 80s game to improve my skills & work with the engine. Then I stopped that to finish a manuscript I've been working on. The manuscript is almost complete, will submit it in the next month I think. Then I can work my way back through the remake and then the original project. Which is to say it'll all be done soon (tm).
    What happened to our shoutbox?? Answer me you cowards!
    Trannies killed it.
    The Shoutbox was only sustained by Rusty's inept rage. When he established his own playground, he took the rage with him. No longer receiving sustenance, the Shoutbox died a natural death.
    Do you like Ultima?
    Yes, Ultima 7 is one of the best crpg titles of all time. I wish more games adopted a similar UI and style, but with improved combat, like Teudogar.
    I never tried early Ultima, a bit to old I think but I may try Ultima 7. It looks to have lots of interactivity which I’ve come to value in RPGs.
    Use this: http://exult.sourceforge.net/

    Much easier than trying to do it the normal way, and it has a few improvements like using the dress-up inventory dolls in Part 1.

    If you like the interface definitely check out Teudogar, which is also available for free these days.
    Are you studying any classical language?
    there are kinder ways of asking if he's gay
    At university or some other formal setting? No, I graduated a long time ago. I do like to study/read classical chinese in my spare time, but usually my spare time gets taken up doing other things these days. Need to be more disciplined I guess.
    Rather than derail the field of glory thread, I had no idea you (as a dev) were on here, I adore what you're trying to do. ^^
    A horse of course
    Thanks! I wish I could my dev stuff as my day job, maybe one day I'll make something wildly profitable and live the dream.

    I did actually derail that thread with battletech stuff, bad of me. Playing too much of the new 3025 mod to load up field of glory right now.
    oh gods, i've not even got around to trying the base game. there truly are too many games these days (it's not a bad thing, but gods, how does anyone find the time for them all?)
    lmao passed the bar exam yet again
    Then we did sex stuff
    Taxalot that sounds a lot nicer than taking the bar exam. In Wisconsin I understand that local students are allowed to skip the exam after graduation.

    Most states allow experienced attorneys like myself to waive in, but California lacks this option.
    A horse of course
    And yet you still end up back on this shithole, posting about elves and magic swords. You shame your family.
    Do you believe in Magic?
    The divinities are clearly a different sort of influence on temporal reality than regular lifeforms like you and me, so maybe there is room for some other forms of "life" or influencing bodies.

    Apparently I can't post more than 420 words on this profile page thing.
    So, you do believe in the possibility of external beings who can do things potentially in-different of what we have discovered. (Updated my txt.)
    external to what, I believe we have a consciousness that is not reducible to a physical object. Divinities are not reducible to a physical object. If these things are external, then yes I believe there are other actors, and maybe what you're thinking of is among them.

    All these things are subsumed by Eleatic Being though, as described in my pdf (PDF>txt)
    I have a bar exam coming up on the 25th and need to start studying. I am logging off until then, see you all later!
    You'll be a great bartender! Though seriously, all the best
    Thanks guys. I finished the Cali bar exam and also finished some outstanding work from my job, now I'm hopping on a plane and probably won't have great internet access until I get back on the 4th or so (will be in rural Australia for a few days).

    Maxie - I've been a prosecutor for 10 years and am licensed in two states already. Not sure what the pay is like for being an attorney for gays, though
    My self-imposed exile is over nobody can mock me if I spend time here rather than studying or whatever. I didn't really begin studying in earnest until the 18th or so because of my job sadly, couldn't get much time off.
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