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  • Nice game you got there
    Thank you, kind of you to say so. I hope to revisit it at some point, for now I am tied up with work / other projects including a new game that I hope to make some real progress on within the next month or so.
    I must protest, it's not Hebrew mythology, it's a heterodox Hebrew heretical sect.
    It's hebrew mythology, unless Christians are telling us that some other group drafted the old testament. You just have the original texts and then the latter fan fiction about the hebrew god's jewish son.
    Hence heterodox heretical sect, or Hebrew mythology fan fiction. Let's not pretend it deserves the dignified sound of having just 'mythology'.
    Ahh, good way of putting it. They're not even the real deal.
    Why don't you post more? You can always mock Islam if everything else fails, that will not only get you many brofists but might also elicit a reaction or two (verbal only!) from some people. And insulting Christians is always fun, as you well know.
    shut up, anhur
    You're right, I haven't been posting enough lately. I still read the new threads, but I started spending a lot of time studying coding and making my rpg about Theseus. Gonna post another development update video at the end of the week I think.
    Is the blog in your sig run by you?
    Yes, although I haven't finished making the site yet.

    If you have some content you want put up, feel free to send it along.
    Did having 9 int in DR make you pass any unique [int] check?
    I recall finding supplies in a campfire during the Roxana fight, but otherwise I don't think so. If it did, they weren't explicitly labelled as (int).
    Does having 3 int in real lyfe prove challenging?
    Should I become a Hellenophile or a Sinophile ?
    If you really get into the Classics, you'll eventually pick up some familiarity with the language and perhaps start studying it. To just read a copy of Sun Zi's Art of War or Herodotus, though? English is perfectly fine.
    Severian Silk, I'm talking strictly about pre-Han China. I skipped over everything between Qin and the fall of Qing.
    Severian Silk
    Yeah, the newer stuff is so stiff and formal.
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