I find the character customization options and roleplaying guidance to be far greater in the 5ed PHB than in ANY previous edition and I don't even think it's close. There's basically 14 races and 40 classes in addition to backgrounds, truly meaty feats, and a more balanced 3.X style multiclass system. 20 different polearms and WoWish 5% noncombat integrals never added much for me and made previous systems too tedious without adding complexity. These systems will obviously be added in splat books anyway for people who like that sort of thing. The HP bloat isn't nearly as bad as 4ed and the amount of heinous rolling isn't nearly as bad as 3.X. I'm a little suspect of the Hit Dice pools and short rest mechanics but they're not without merit depending on how the DM handles them. I've spent 1000's of hours reading every PHB and I can honestly say that most complaints against 5ed are without merit. It's not hard to play without a grid, gives an insane amount of character options, and delves deeply into roleplaying mechanics by making traits an actual part of the game. Hell, skills can even be gained outside of leveling and benefits can be be gained from good roleplaying. I understand that any system is subjective and has its supporters and detractors, but some of the complaints levied at 5ed are flat out lies or due to lack of knowledge. As a reference, I grew up playing and loving AD&D, thought 3ed was a fairly decent mixed bag, and hated 4ed. I have also been kicked out of Enworld's forums multiple times for what its worth. That being said I can honestly say that my first experiences with 5ed are better than those of the previous systems.