Then you're using it wrong.When did role-playing a goal other than magical items become LARPing? I don't think you know what the word means.
I'm using the Codexian definition of LARPing, not the more widely accepted one.
Codexian definition of LARPing is basically "a (flavour) activity performed by the player but not recognized by the game".
It's an analogy - just like in an RL LARP session a person can be running around screaming "lightning bolt!" and then behaving as if they actually cast that lightning bolt, despite the reality not giving a fuck, a player can, for example walk around in Oblivion pretending to be a guard despite the game not recognizing that or otherwise giving a fuck.
The main difference is that in actual LARP you have other players that do react and that it generally doesn't call for euthanasia as the only humane option.
Since in any PnP context the game logic is driven by a living thinking human rather than a bunch of scripts hastily thrown together by an intern, and that this human (GM) can react appropriately to pretty much anything another human (player) can think up, any use of LARP (as defined by the Codex) in PnP context defaults to being dumb and wrong.
Now roll for anal circumference.