Its an open secret that the Open License was considered a failure even before Pathfinder came along and made it an epic failure. Back when, if all of the 3rd party companies had stuck to making adventures and campaign books, then everything would have been fine. But instead, everyone made core books and splat books (which is where the money is), and thus they put themselves in direct competition with the official core and splat books while also crowding the marketplace, which undercut WotC profits. Hasbro don't play that game.
And after Pathfinder, where WotC essentially handed their system to Paizo and then helped build Paizo into their rival? Hasbro will never grant another fully Open License. In fear of making another rival, if for no other reason.
Essentially, the Open License is a corporate fiasco. Yes, it was very beneficial to the public, and it is something that a small company can do a lot with (as long as they don't get beaten by a rival doing it better or more cutthroat, since a rival can rise up at any time using the same system). But it is a disaster of epic proportions for a corporation looking to maintain control over their IP and the marketplace.
And after Pathfinder, where WotC essentially handed their system to Paizo and then helped build Paizo into their rival? Hasbro will never grant another fully Open License. In fear of making another rival, if for no other reason.
Essentially, the Open License is a corporate fiasco. Yes, it was very beneficial to the public, and it is something that a small company can do a lot with (as long as they don't get beaten by a rival doing it better or more cutthroat, since a rival can rise up at any time using the same system). But it is a disaster of epic proportions for a corporation looking to maintain control over their IP and the marketplace.