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D&D 5E Discussion


Jan 21, 2008
Codex 2014 PC RPG Website of the Year, 2015 Codex 2016 - The Age of Grimoire Divinity: Original Sin Torment: Tides of Numenera Wasteland 2 Divinity: Original Sin 2
I didn't realize we were exclusively talking about tablets. Which is hardly surprising since they haven't been mentioned at all in this discussion until just now.


I said that in-app purchases might be a thing, you commented on that.

Fuck it, clearly it was a misunderstanding (though I gotta say that claiming that tablets haven't been mentioned at all when that is factually not true raises my eyebrows). I was talking about tablets. I don't call PC programs "apps".

Whether they'll make something for PC that doesn't even have a tablet app I sincerely doubt. They have no reason to repeat past mistakes.
My mistake, I suppose. In hindsight your points make more sense to me now.

This is actually a really good idea.


Jun 18, 2010
More tidbits, via Tenkar's Tavern: http://www.tenkarstavern.com/2014/05/dmg-to-offer-sidebars-on-emulating.html


This thread is now about Lords of Waterdeep.


Jun 18, 2010
So what's everyones favourite LoW quest? I'm torn between Seize the Citadel of the Bloody Hand (return 1 adventurer to tavern after completing quest), Impersonate Tax Collector (gain owner's benefit when visiting buildings you built) and Defend the Yawning Portal (return 3 agents to your tavern).

Citadel comboes nicely into lords that can go for low-point quests and becomes ridiculously good if you can secure the plot quest that lets you complete quests directly from Cliffwatch Inn. Tax Collector is dependent on builders hall draw, but it's a good way to force people into buildings you don't care too much about because they're terrified of you getting extra value per agent. Yawning Portal is a bit like Research Chronomancy on speed. If you time it well, you can get some really strong combos off.

I once managed a Tax collector + Yawning Portal + Chronomancy combo wile I was first player. I had an agent in waterdeep harbor and agents on my own buildings. When harbor phase started, I completed YP, retrieved agents from my buildings, placed them on my buildings again for tax collector benefit, completed chronomancy, vacated one of my buildings, placed on building again. then next round I was first player. I managed to complete 4 quests in that combo.


Jun 3, 2013
Mike Mearls / WotC finally reveals the details to the mysterious free rules (which tuluse guessed)... http://wizards.com/DnD/Article.aspx?x=dnd/4ll/20140527

Basic D&D is a PDF that covers the core of the game. It’s the equivalent of the old D&D Rules Cyclopedia, though it doesn’t have quite the same scope (for example, it won’t go into detail on a setting). It runs from levels 1 to 20 and covers the cleric, fighter, rogue, and wizard, presenting what we view as the essential subclass for each. It also provides the dwarf, elf, halfling, and human as race options.

But the best part? Basic D&D is a free PDF. Anyone can download it from our website. We want to put D&D in as many hands as possible, and a free, digital file is the best way to do that.

If Basic D&D is the equivalent of the classic Rules Cyclopedia, then the three core rulebooks are analogous to Advanced Dungeons & Dragons. Want more character options? Pick up a Player’s Handbook. Looking for more critters for your campaign? The Monster Manual has you covered. Want to sculpt a unique campaign? Pick up the Dungeon Master’s Guide. Still, Basic D&D is the true heart of the game and could easily provide a lifetime of gaming.

At the launch of the D&D Starter Set, Basic D&D will include the material needed to create characters and advance to 20th level. In August, with the release of the Player’s Handbook, Basic D&D will expand to include the essential monsters, magic items, and DM rules needed to run the game, along with the rules for wilderness, dungeon, and urban adventuring. (TheStarter Set already covers the aspects of these rules that you need to run the included campaign.)

As we introduce new storylines like Tyranny of Dragons, we’ll also make available free PDFs that provide all the rules and stats missing from Basic D&D needed to run the adventures tied into the story. The adventures released as part of Tyranny of Dragons are playable without requiring any of the core rulebooks or the Starter Set. With just the Basic Dungeons & Dragons rules, you can play D&D for years.

Basic D&D makes it easier than ever for new players and DMs to jump into tabletop RPG play. We’re involved in the greatest gaming hobby ever invented. It’s time to bring that hobby to everyone who wants to take part.
Pretty awesome move, in my opinion. WotC is winning some points here...

Don Peste

Sep 15, 2008
So, why do you need the Starter if there's a Basic free pdf?
Will it be like the Red Box, with tokens, dice...?


Jun 18, 2009
So, why do you need the Starter if there's a Basic free pdf?
Will it be like the Red Box, with tokens, dice...?
That's what those sets are. The Pathfinder Beginner Box is the exact same thing.

Ideal for a group of 4 – 6, the Dungeons & Dragons Starter Set includes a 64-page adventure book with everything the Dungeon Master needs to get started, a 32-page rulebook for playing characters level 1 – 5, 5 pre-generated characters, each with a character sheet and supporting reference material, and 6 dice.

The basic idea is that if you don't have a clue about rpgs, you don't know anyone who does, you're intimidated by three rulebooks and you want to try it out this is something you can get and be all set. So it's not aimed at anyone posting here, I'd imagine.

Severian Silk

The basic idea is that if you don't have a clue about rpgs, you don't know anyone who does, you're intimidated by three rulebooks and you want to try it out this is something you can get and be all set. So it's not aimed at anyone posting here, I'd imagine.
Actually, this description fits me pretty well. Despite having played both Baldur's Gates and Temple of Elemental Evil.


Aug 1, 2013
The basic idea is that if you don't have a clue about rpgs, you don't know anyone who does, you're intimidated by three rulebooks and you want to try it out this is something you can get and be all set. So it's not aimed at anyone posting here, I'd imagine.
Actually, this description fits me pretty well. Despite having played both Baldur's Gates and Temple of Elemental Evil.
If you're familiar with cRPGs then ttRPGs should pose less of a problem for you: it's just a matter of getting used to all the actions being analogue and you having to come up with your own dialogue instead of choosing from the Dialogue Wheel.


Jun 3, 2013
So, why do you need the Starter if there's a Basic free pdf?
Will it be like the Red Box, with tokens, dice...?
Here's the key reason the Starter Set is still worth getting:
At the launch of the D&D Starter Set, Basic D&D will include the material needed to create characters and advance to 20th level. In August, with the release of the Player’s Handbook, Basic D&D will expand to include the essential monsters, magic items, and DM rules needed to run the game, along with the rules for wilderness, dungeon, and urban adventuring. (TheStarter Set already covers the aspects of these rules that you need to run the included campaign.)
So when the Starter Set launches, the Basic PDF will only have character creation info. It won't have monsters or a full set of rules and stuff for the DM. The Starter Set is for DMs, and includes a beginner adventure that takes players from level 1-5. I imagine it's like the Keep on the Borderlands of 5E. If your group is going to run 5E before the PH comes out, at least one person (the DM most likely) will need to have the Starter Set. The alternative is to wait until the PH comes out, at which point the Basic PDF is updated with the full set of rules.

I'm the furthest thing from a newbie at D&D but I'm still getting the Starter Set because I want to check out what 5E looks like design-wise, and it's dirt cheap on Amazon right now. Also I'll probably run it for my group so we can get a taste of 5E early.

Don Peste

Sep 15, 2008
So when the Starter Set launches, the Basic PDF will only have character creation info. It won't have monsters or a full set of rules and stuff for the DM. The Starter Set is for DMs, and includes a beginner adventure that takes players from level 1-5. I imagine it's like the Keep on the Borderlands of 5E. If your group is going to run 5E before the PH comes out, at least one person (the DM most likely) will need to have the Starter Set. The alternative is to wait until the PH comes out, at which point the Basic PDF is updated with the full set of rules.

I'm the furthest thing from a newbie at D&D but I'm still getting the Starter Set because I want to check out what 5E looks like design-wise, and it's dirt cheap on Amazon right now. Also I'll probably run it for my group so we can get a taste of 5E early.
Damn it, I wanted to get a good reason not to but it.
The extras from the 4E Red Box were nice (Dice, cards, tokens, mat), but the system was awful. Is there really any hope in this 5E? :?


Jul 20, 2008
Serpent in the Staglands Divinity: Original Sin Project: Eternity Torment: Tides of Numenera Shadorwun: Hong Kong
Tokens and a module for $13 is a great price. You can just ignore the pre-made characters.


Jun 3, 2013
The extras from the 4E Red Box were nice (Dice, cards, tokens, mat), but the system was awful. Is there really any hope in this 5E? :?
I think there is hope, yeah. They seem to be making the right moves lately, to avoid past mistakes. I didn't like 4E much at all, but I think 5E will be quite different.

Tokens and a module for $13 is a great price. You can just ignore the pre-made characters.
Actually I don't know if there are tokens in the Starter Set. There's no mention of them in the description. Definitely a module / mini-campaign though. And dice.


Jun 23, 2012
That green dragon artwork is presumably the booklet with the condensed rules in it, so it'd be consistent with the other books. Hopefully it's part of a larger box set. It does at least mention dice.

Night Goat

The Immovable Autism
No Fun Allowed
May 6, 2013
Codex 2013 Codex 2014
Mike Mearls revealed a couple pages from the Player's Handbook:


Wow. Look at that art, and keep in mind that this is what he considers some of the best in the book - otherwise he wouldn't have chosen it. This does not bode well.


May 14, 2008
Mike Mearls revealed a couple pages from the Player's Handbook:


Wow. Look at that art, and keep in mind that this is what he considers some of the best in the book - otherwise he wouldn't have chosen it. This does not bode well.
I disagree. This page was chosen 100% to show off the wildmagic table. A marketing ploy to recapture the 3rd edition audience.

Night Goat

The Immovable Autism
No Fun Allowed
May 6, 2013
Codex 2013 Codex 2014
Did anyone actually like wild magic? When you cast a spell, you want to know what it does in advance. Some of the results on that table include casting fireball or confusion centered on yourself, which I'm sure your allies will love.

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