The real question is, where is all the topless from original Daggerfall?
This project is incredible. Well done.
They've released one screenshot of a topless NPC:The real question is, where is all the topless from original Daggerfall?
Back From Outer Space
Posted on December 16, 2017 by Interkarma
I’m finally back from my recent work hiatus, I’m sorry for leaving you all with so few updates lately. I know people can start to feel disillusioned when fan-driven projects like this go quiet, and the Daggerfall community is sadly all too familiar with that silence. You have all placed a great deal of trust in me to continue leading this project, and the last thing I want to do is lower that trust. So for transparency sake, I’ll give you a quick overview of why I’ve been so quiet lately.
Our life briefly derailed when my wife was let go from work at the end of August 2017. Like a lot of couples these days, we need two incomes to make ends meet. At first this didn’t seem like a big deal. She has multiple degrees and lots of experience, and has never had trouble finding work in the past. We reasoned a new job wouldn’t be far away and tightened belts enough to ride out a couple of months. When late October rolled around and we were still living on a single income, that’s when reality started to sink in. I run a small business that doesn’t typically bring in much work over the holiday period, and the job market was likewise getting slimmer by the day. Suddenly we were facing the prospect of falling behind by end of December. And by “falling behind”, I mean not being able to pay the mortgage or keep the lights on by New Year.
So around the end of October, I had to crank up the machinery of my little business as much as possible and pull in as much work – any work – I could find. I was hoping just to bridge the gap until early 2018 when the local job market picked up again and with luck we’d both be in work again soon. Of course, the result of this is that I didn’t have the time or mental focus to put anywhere else than staying above the red line. If I did get some free time, I was too absorbed with the situation to really be productive. And to top it all off, I came down with a shocker of a flu in November that put me on my ass for a bit.
By the end of November things were starting even out to a kind of new normal. I even tried getting back into the project a few weeks ago, but some of those work commitments kept weighing me down and sapping my focus. Anyway, we caught a break last week when my wife landed a new job. We have an added full-time income again and my extra work puts us right about where we would have been with two incomes in December anyway. Just with a lot more stress involved. I feel incredibly grateful to have made it this far and for now life can start returning to normal. I’m also grateful we both have our health and so much love in our life. I know a lot of people are doing it so much harder this time of year.
As of now, my extra work commitments have wrapped up until January. I’m even able to take a few weeks off over the Christmas through New Year stretch. Today is officially my first day off and the first weekend in three months I haven’t had to stress over how we’ll make our way through the upcoming week. I celebrated last night by taking myself out for ramen and a giant beer. It was just about the best feeling in the world.
I still need a bit of time to decompress, and the season will also keep me busy in a different (much better) way. But I’m anxious to get back to work on Daggerfall Unity as soon as I can. There are some pull requests on github I need to review and merge thanks to tireless contributors Allofich, Nystul, and TheLacus. From the bottom of my heart: thank you for the work you’ve all added the last few months. You guys absolutely rock my world. I think if anything happened to me, this project would still be in good hands with the quality people that have attached themselves to it.
But for now, I’m going to just chill a little and get my head straight. Let some of that stress fall away. Maybe play some video games.
Here’s wishing everyone a happy holidays and all the best for 2018!
This v2 of hedge texture took me WAAAY too long to create and tune so it looks good ingame, but its used in a lot of places so it will be worth a while I hopeAnd Ive actually learned something as well...![]()
....and a same story with this walk-thru archway in dungeons... lots of testing and tuning, but now Im content with it + plus I like my invention with the soil on the floor. New wall texture as well... Ive learned how to add a lots of photoreal detail to a simple hand drawn cartoony textures, and this is the resulting style I like. The best from both worlds Id say. Same approach is used on the wooden planks...
There are 3 types of wooden walk-thrus in the dungeons, here are the last two... they are sometimes merged in a longer tunnel, so I made them work together when this happens. I also added a spider web for thats a necessity in any dungeonNot many options to place it anywhere, because textures repeat a lot, so Im glad I found this decent place ... u can see the dirty wood more closely. This used to be a clean cartoony texture..![]()
Finally met some cave... this one is very similar to the starting place in Privateers hold
...and the gate leading to all caves. Spend a unholy amount of time on this one... also because the model is bugged and I wanted the textures to mask the problems which I managed to do. Theres a small gift for all arachnofobiacs if u look into the web closely. Because if you are affraid of the spiders, you dont go into the underground caves![]()
not so creepy at 1st but it has the right desert vibes to it Id say
019 set.jpg (1.54 MiB) Viewed 139 times still has some darker edge as you go deeper...
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...and deeper...
plus quite rare alternative texture, you will not find these arches at the back-wall too often I hope
Textures folder is addictive as hellWhen/if Im done with it, I can make a textures for living I guess![]()
Last set today... it will need few tweaks... wall texture is based on a texture I received from VMBlast, thanks!
Had some doubts about my Woodland City Walls, so I went back and remade them to v2.0
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...and finally acceptable winter result
I wonder if they will include the compUSA quest packs, they added a bit of variety to the tedium of Daggerfall quest.
Rather than use the binary .QRC and .QBN files directly, I opted to build on the intermediate scripting language used by Donald Tipton for TEMPLATE v1.11. Any binary quests can be decompiled using TEMPLATE and dropped into the Daggerfall Unity StreamingResources/Quests folder. And new quests can be written in that language and compiled directly at runtime by Daggerfall Unity using a console command.
I've bundled a fairly comprehensive set of quests with the game download. The default Daggerfall Unity zip includes the 16x CompUSA quests (link here for anyone who doesn't know them). However, not all can be handed out until guilds are fully developed. The Fighters Guild should be handing out their CompUSA quests now through their usual questor.
The download also contains community-made quest fixes in addition to some patches of my own made during the quest build-out process. This will likely be an ongoing process as people add new quests and fix old ones. Modders can also inject new quests and quest actions into the engine.
Here's a list of the community fixes integrated with the quest scripts in Daggerfall Unity.
- FixedQuests by Donald Tipton
- Q0C00Y03 Fix by GhanBuriGhan
The other community-made quest packs can be decompiled and included at a later date. I had enough on my plate at the time and decided to stick with Core+CompUSA+Fixes in the default loadout.![]()