fuck it, i have time so let's do this
- Itemization in 3 is "better" in the sense that most of the best weapons you can get by achieving in-game goals, e.g. beating a boss or finding a certain area. DS2 gave them out too easy. And worse, DS1 had too many weapons that you had to farm in order to get. I don't mind a little farming, but it seemed excessive in DS1.
meh. the way by which you can obtain items is hardly grounds for "better itemization" unless one is really extreme in the farming department, and none of them are. they all feature farming for gear, some more than others, but DS2 has the best itemization as it has not only the most variety, but also the most amount of actually useful/viable items (and not just weapons/shields, but also consumables and armour)
- DS2 offered more builds, but some of them were ridiculous in power-level. For example, agility was a completely fucking broken stat and made you almost invincible for via roll frames. Then you've got dumb shit like dual wielding great clubs.
literally every Souls game has insanely OP builds (and they mostly vary with patches). DS2 is by far the most balanced of the bunch with all the patches it received during it's lifetime. and while i'm no fan of dual wielding gigantic anime weapons, more variety is always better than less, i guess?
agility is good idea executed badly, but hardly "broken". you start out with less iframes than DS1, and to get to DS1 level of fastroll iframes you need a decent investment (~25 points, iirc?), while to get to DS1 ninjaflip levels of iframes you'd need a very substantial investment (~50 with no att), but you don't get anywhere near the recovery frames or distance covered, so the ninjaflip is significantly superior, as is the comparable standard roll (again, same iframes, but faster animation and less recovery in DS1, and less stamina consumption). and compared to DS3, you also have to take into consideration roll speed/distance which is linearly correlated to eq burden (instead of the lame slots like DS1 and DS3), and that rolling consumes a much more significant amount of stamina in DS2, stamina regens slower so you can't spam as if you were an advanced Cirque du Soleil member, which is fucking atrocious in DS3 with superfast rolling, plenty of iframes (13 by default on medium, the highest in any Souls game. and 16 for the price of one ring slot. disgusting. for 16 iframes in DS2 you'd have to nearly max out adaptability), and rolling consumes no stamina
you'd have to be pretty fucking retarded (like, "i don't know how integers work and what they mean"-level retarded) to claim DS2 is more roll-spammy than DS3 when the objective numbers (and subjective opinions of everyone except you and morons like Damned Registrations) speak the contrary
as the other poster said, you're 100% wrong
and even when you take into consideration it's 100% subjective, DS3 has the
massive fashion problem that helmets don't really match with 95% of armours because they're all weirdly high placed on the char head for some stupid fucking reason (and like half the sets in DS3 are recycled). plus, DS3 doesn't have a fucking predator samurai armour (yeah yeah i know only edgy tryhards wear it, but considering what it is, it's really well done aesthetically so bite me
- DS3 was faster and you can definitely see BB's DNA in the game.
- Because of the above, certain playstyles were rewarded more than others. DS3 in many ways feels like "Berserk: The Role Playing Game."
- Because of this, some playstyles just didn't feel as fleshed out. For example, you could legitimately roll and play a tank in DS1 from start to finish. In DS3, tanking is not viable until you find your first Greatshield (arguably, Curseward in the Cathedral), but even then, Cathedral Knights can wreck your stam in one or two hits. For most of the game, rolling will always be a better option than tanking for 90% of the time, which I don't like.
yes, and that's exactly why DS3 has by far the worst combat mechanics in the series. everything is fast, everything staggers, poise is next to useless, so the only truly viable strategy is spam roll until the enemy is done with their n-th 16-hit combo animation, and then spam R1 until you're out of stamina or the enemy is dead. magic is garbage, miracles as well, hexes aren't a separate thing anymore, and pyros require a hefty investment so hybrid builds are nonexistent
- The weapon customization in DS3 is fucking awesome. Infusions are a great idea, and they were implemented well.
eh, i don't know. i liked the DS2 system better, where you couldn't change the physical scaling stat of a weapon, so certain builds could never be effective with certain weapons. this essentially removes the necessity for any physical stat, and they might have as well just put "physical damage" instead of str and dex. the rest is similar enough that whatever.
- DS1 was harder at first, but is easier upon repeated play throughs. I think the AI in DS3 is better -- I don't die on DS1 bosses anymore, ever. But DS3 bosses can still fuck me up. They're just smarter.
lolno. no AI in any Souls game is any smarter than any other. they just have a set of moves they execute at certain states/player distance. it's just that DS3 bosses have endless fucking combos that take them all over the place and have big hitboxes, and one mistake can easily get you killed because everything staggers you on hit 1. and they often have obnoxious amounts of health. they're not better, it's just that the combat is worse
- DS2 substituted good boss design for shitty gimmicks (fuck you, Ruin Sentinels)
huh? you're probably the first person in the world to say this, as the usual (invalid) criticism of DS2 bosses is "they're all giant knights with weapons" (i.e. the opposite of gimmicky). if anything, DS3 has more gimmicky bosses (the wyvern, the tree, the priestly bunch etc), not to mention that every single fucking boss has the gimmick of 2 phases (except for Friede which has 3 :/ )... but DeS is still, by faaar, the reigning champion of gimmicky bosses.
that said, when it comes to bosses, when DS3 nails it, it's just fucking spectacular both visually and mechanically. Nameless King and Champion Gundyr will always be one of my favourite bosses ever (if not THE favourite)
- DS1, DS3, and BB all offer you really good, understated weapons in the very beginning of the game. I think this is Miyazaki being clever, but consider that (for example), the Saw Cleaver in BB is the first weapon you get and it is FUCKING AWESOME from the very beginning, and is a powerhouse by the end of the game. In DS3, a Raw ASS will last a magic-focused character almost the entire game, and you get it within 30 minutes of starting. In DS1, the long sword and the claymore are simply phenomenal weapons, and you can get them both almost right away (if you don't pick a warrior and start with the former, you can buy it pretty quickly from Andre).
and so does DS2. fuck, you can craft boss weapons by the time you're halfway through the Bastille, which is what... 10% of the game?
- Lightning in DS2 was fucking OP'd but I loved it. DS2 probably allowed me to play a lightning-cleric/Paladin better than DS1 or D3.
as already stated, Lightning isn't OP by any reasonable definition of that word in DS2 since patch 1.05 back in fucking june or july of 2014. update your game
- Conversely, Clerics in DS3 suck and are are almost unplayable for the first quarter of the game, if you want to use miracles. The first offensive miracle you get is Lightning Spear and it fucking blows. Lightning builds do not become viable until mid-game.
it's not just miracles, they took a dump on all magics. they're all utter garbage until late game, and even then they're inferior to melee by a looong shot, and require a very specific build and only a very limited amount of spells are viable, so every spellcaster is exactly the same.
- Sound design in DS1 is still the best. BB is a close second.
surprised you didn't mention the garbage-tier sound in DS2. it's like half the sounds were recorded with a potato. go break some vases and listen, it will make your ears bleed