So, bought this and played for around 80 hours. On radiant, so the grind is a LOT less.
A) the new dlc class is completly overpowered. It basically cannot be killed if it's not oneshotted. On the other hand, other classes got nerfed. Jester lost finale, Abom and HM life got nicked, and some trinkets got nerfed.
B) the new enemies in the dlc are completly broken. They're basically on the level of the darkest dungeon monsters, and you can encounter them in the common dungeon if infestation is high. On top of that, they spread the 'crimson curse' which is basically vampirism, which is basically a incurable* sickness that requires luck, grinding, or planning ahead NOT to have your hero die of it, since you NEED blood which drops only from dlc monsters. Also, the crimson curse spreads in town if you're not careful, so you CAN end with a roster full of vampires that will die (beacuse they die in town if they're not fed too).
C) the new bosses and missions are completly and utterly overpowered. The first mission (which appears on week 3, and has NO warning of it) it's basically a long mission, except you have no bonfires, and there's a mandatory boss which is harder than the same-level baseline bosses. On top of that, that boss becomes a uncommon enemy in the other dlc missions. Also, the new wandering boss, the fanatic, is basically a hag with THREE actions per turn that deal incredibly high stress damage AND high damage, and can appear in any dungeon when you bring 2+ vampires. He also offers no rewards but a "very rare" trinket. To make a comparison, champion (lvl 5) medium dungeons give a "very rare" trinket, so basically, you'll be drowning in them. To make a comparison: the crimson court is less difficult than the darkest dungeon.
D) The dlc dungeon is too big. This would be positive, if this game would be about dungeon delving. But this game isn't about dungeon delving. This game is about administering a roster of heroes so you manage to reach a specific objective. To make another comparison: DLC mission 1 is as big as a medium/long mission, DLC mission 2 and 3 are as big as Darkest Dungeon 3, and i haven't reached DLC mission 4, but from what i heard it's EVEN BIGGER. Oh, and you start those missions without firewood. You can retire from the and restart where you left, but you need a item that you'll have to grind in the normal dungeon from the dlc monsters that spawn in random dungeons - or rather that should spawn, since the spawn rate is incredibly low. And even when they spawn, they're more than capable of killing a unprepared party without even dropping the required item...
So basically it's the same as old: a game with a great graphical style, a awesome atmosphere, and the shittest mechanics ever known to man.
Oh, btw, Celerity, do you remember corpses? Because in a somewhat recent update a monster was added (Hateful Virago) that spawn heal-blocking funguses from corpses.
*You CAN cure it, but to do so you have to reach a milestone in the dlc, and to do so you need at very least 15 weeks for the infestation to go from low to high, AND to grind the whole crimson court dungeon in which you are currently.