Snorkack v hello friend - Game 2
I was like this near the end.
What can I say?
hello friend sisters proved that hard work can be undone by slight inexperience. And Snorkack didn't give up when 3 Battle Sisters Squads arrived at his base with his army decimated.
That loss was hard to take. But you should be proud of taking the match up to that point when barely a week ago you'd be nothing but dust on the ground.
One of the most competitive match so far. Bring on match 3!
5:20 AM - Ex: im really mad sob lost
5:20 AM - Ex: lol
5:20 AM - RK47: me 2
5:20 AM - Ex: could have won easily twice
5:20 AM - RK47: he worked so hard
5:20 AM - RK47: and got so far
5:20 AM - RK47: in the end
5:20 AM - RK47: it doesnt even matter
it was close, but not quite 1200 HP close. I started building a new base in the right corner and already had another barracks up.