On to units, always make sure to get one of each available. Then you can get duplicates of whatever you like best. Having a diverse army allows you to respond to any kind of situation.
Things are a bit chaotic lately, so I figure I shouldn't commit to something like this only to let everyone down. But here are a few thoughts on strategy to anyone that might be rusty:
- Always build all the reactors you can as soon as possible. This will ensure that you have the maximum amount of energy by the end of the match. Don't forget to upgrade, though!
- Whenever you capture a strategic point, build a listening post on it. Reinforce it as much as you can and add some turrets as well. This way you don't have to pay much attention to it, but leave it to defend itself while you take the next point.
- Whenever you move enough away from base, build a new base on a suitable location. This has various advantages, such as providing you with duplicated buildings in case some are destroyed, allowing you to deploy trips faster and defending the base area. Besides looking cool.
- Always build turrets all around your bases, again so their defence is automated.
- Speaking of turrets, don't go for new areas before fully entrenching the old ones. Otherwise you might be attacked while you are not paying attention.
- On to units, always make sure to get one of each available. Then you can get duplicates of whatever you like best. Having a diverse army allows you to respond to any kind of situation.
- Finally, always purchase every upgrade at a tech level before moving to the next. The order actually doesn't matter all that much since you want to finish research long before you actually attack the enemy, but going in order will help you not forget any research, since different races might vary a whole lot on what techs they get and where they are researched.
feel free to submit some replay - I have trouble finding opponents due to my GMT+8 times.
I did a few game against roxxor and whocare yesterday, who gave me some tips, like stop picking flammer on SM.
I should have saved my last match against whocare if you're curious about the current level.
Considering swapping to IG just to show you scrublords how it's done
Considering swapping to IG just to show you scrublords how it's done
We need more SOB just for you
How about you give me advice insteadConsidering swapping to IG just to show you scrublords how it's done