Don't. The mod went full shit what with the retarded community.
The standalone, from what I've read, is essentially the same as the mod, only more Skyrim / Sims like, meaning you now also have a bunch of helmets. Some other stuff was added, like handcuffs, some UI changes, blood types, etc, but the game still has some day 1 mod bugs like zombies clipping through walls. Truly pathetic. Not to mention there will be no first person locked servers until Beta and I can bet that even then 99% servers will have turd person enabled, just like the fucking mod. Also, every fucking streamer and youtuber play in turd person, except Ceremor, though he's not really that popular. Fucking casual community ruined this game.
Also, it was repeatedly said the alpha would cost less than 20$, including at E3 this year, but BIS gonna Jew, I guess. There's a long list of features to be implemented, mostly useless ones, and since Dean Hall has no track record of actually doing anything useful with the mod, I won't be betting my money of half of them being implemented, and the other half will likely just be half-assed and buggy.