Did you know that Dominions now has a replay system? You can see the history of the game an' shit! Cool as fuck. I needed that. So, let's discuss a bit about Decline20, first Dominions 5 game I win and first baseline Dominions game I ever win. NatGen does not count. Yeah, I'm bad at the game.
Literally took it because I never played Sceleria and I kinda sorta liked the fan art on /domg/. Hey, made worse decisions. Would you believe that I once took LA Xibalba in a game? LA XIBALBA.
I frankly do not remember jack shit about my priorities for blessing and my original test pretenders are all lost in a HD crash. I picked a stock weak human chassis, some paths for boosters and went full scales. Growth 3 and Prod 2, methinks. The only things I truly regret are the Prod2 for reasons that I got later (nothing to say, prod 2 was good for the first 15 turns or so when you need human troops) and not picking Undead Leadership instead of Death Weapons.
See, that's because....
See this guy? This is why Sceleria is awesome. I dare to say Sceleria is one of the
strongest Dominions nations I've ever played, and I'm a LA Atlantis fan. See, Sceleria has all the Legionnaire stuff that Pythium or Ermor has, plus some borderline useful sacreds (Lictors and Shadow Vestals). You don't need them. You don't need
anything. The Thaumaturgs are 110 Sacreds mages and they do
Research monkey
Battle mages (Nether Bolt, Nether Dart, Stellar Cascades spam)
Communion Slaves
Lv2 Priests
Thaumaturgs are amazingly flexible. You don't have anything else and your Grand Thaumaturgs are cap-only, old and frail as shit. Again, you don't need anything else until lategame, Thaumaturgs are amazing both on the strategical and on the tactical sense. Why having 10 different mage types when one can do everything, lead undeads, summon undeads, fight and research? Sceleria is like Ermor on steroids: everything Ermor can do, Sceleria can do BETTER. It loses steam after midgame, of course, but all human nations do. Plus with the Tartarian boost that we got in Dom5 (no longer they are all crippled idiots, now they can be used right out of the Factory) you even have a lategame chance. Endless skellie hordes force you in a peculiar playstyle, where you simply don't care about losses.
I had fun playing Sceleria.
Daily reminder that Ulm was as big as me (thanks to a random expansion spree against everyone that could not fight him properly, Man&Shinu). Started chainstaling, though, a pity.
Also richer than me. Pythium a good third.
Well, this was unexpected. But again, I had to balance Reanimation with Research. Mictlan was in worse shape than I believed, though.
This one is just for fun. As we all know, troop numbers are meaningless.
Closing remarks.... well, this was a fun game. Everyone was pretty much great in diplomacy, starting with
KoolNoodles and
Matalarata . I hope to have mantained likewise good borders with 'em.
mondblut I do not exactly know
if he ever fought with anyone.
Isiloon gets my congrats for doing THREE times the final battle of his realm (Machaka) and killing more than a thousand skellies and a dozen Thaumaturgs.
sqeecoo for
almost managing again his routine of stealthily winning the game while no-one is watching too close.
coldcrow and
Joined on the 4th of July for the GREAT war between Shinu and Man. It was great to see, and well-fought. You deserve more praise than me.
Yeah, it was a good run. Let the angels do battle, and let the skellies rest.