Goys, I'm off to a wedding in Bosnia and Herzegovina! I had the best intentions of finishing the turn, but eh. Lategame is too much work, and I gotta shave and shit for the wedding. You know how it is. Back on Monday, if I survive.
Goys, I'm off to a wedding in Bosnia and Herzegovina! I had the best intentions of finishing the turn, but eh. Lategame is too much work, and I gotta shave and shit for the wedding. You know how it is. Back on Monday, if I survive.
I still have no idea how paralyze works.
The odds of beating 17mr with no pen casts are very small.
I postponed for myself, my head hurt yesterday like crazy. I think I'm sick.
I postponed for myself, my head hurt yesterday like crazy. I think I'm sick.
Get well and don't worry, this game is already veeeery slooooow.
Get well and take all the time you need for that.Well guys I dont feel any better today, I will try to do my turn tomorrow. No mental capacity for complicated games.
Get well and take all the time you need for that.Well guys I dont feel any better today, I will try to do my turn tomorrow. No mental capacity for complicated games.
Every hour you extend is one more hour I can celebrate having scared away KoolNoodles ' Tartarian-item-pinata.
Ulms response might turn out much worse for me, so I enjoy every minute I have
Maybe I will stale again? (JK, just submitted). I liked that approach with the xbows, dude needs some regen.
Maybe I will stale again? (JK, just submitted). I liked that approach with the xbows, dude needs some regen.
Thanks. I honestly hope to keep you entertained for a while
Holy friendly fire drake.
Holy friendly fire drake.
Details bruh