We are aware that dialogue trees have their shortcomings and there’s probably not a player out there who felt that any game *always* provided all the answers he or she would have come up with. But the sheer narrational potential of this mechanism prevented us from ever raising concerns about their final application in the game.
For Chaos Chronicles, we've developed our own dialogue system that includes a powerful and comfortable tree editor to provide our designers with a tool to quickly create and modify dialogues for the game:
Apart from being good-looking it provides the power of lua-script that we already use to trigger stuff like levers, traps and secret doors. That means a designer can easily reward you with any object in a dialogue, or set an NPC’s faction to hostile if you insult him. Even better, the script allows for checks of the player character so certain dialogue options are only available if you char’s intelligence or charisma matches a certain minimum value, or only if he is an elf. They are even able to create easter eggs like, let’s say an NPC that only talks to you if your party consists entirely of dwarves.
For Chaos Chronicles, we've developed our own dialogue system that includes a powerful and comfortable tree editor to provide our designers with a tool to quickly create and modify dialogues for the game:

Apart from being good-looking it provides the power of lua-script that we already use to trigger stuff like levers, traps and secret doors. That means a designer can easily reward you with any object in a dialogue, or set an NPC’s faction to hostile if you insult him. Even better, the script allows for checks of the player character so certain dialogue options are only available if you char’s intelligence or charisma matches a certain minimum value, or only if he is an elf. They are even able to create easter eggs like, let’s say an NPC that only talks to you if your party consists entirely of dwarves.