Fat Dragon said:
What in the blue fuck? That sounds like a weird game. I'll have to try it out sometime.
The GBA game is a nice action JRPG, really. Has a nice story, and some nice twists... I can't say you'll like it. I did, but I can't play it again, as it's all about the story.
Edward_R_Murrow said:
LARPing should not be done in game if you have a weak mind or are easily sucked into things.
The thing is I was LARPing when I was crying
Ahah, gotcha!
Edward_R_Murrow said:
LARPing does prevent sexually transmitted diseases, though....
Ahaha, I get your drift...
Edward_R_Murrow said:
Was it due to the machinations of a level 91 PK asshole perchance?
Not, it was not as high... It was a sorcerer, of course...
Edward_R_Murrow said:
Sixteen' hours? Sixteen motherfucking hours? That is determination.
Well thanks, but I still think it's just stupidity allied to having nothing else to do...
I was younger in mind...
Edward_R_Murrow said:
Don't cry....don't weep....don't get angsty....get even! Coming this fall.....a new wind will blow....a new legion will rise....and no amount of soil erosion will stop them!
I know, I know
I don't cry anymore, as I'll see to it that I get my money back.
Edward_R_Murrow said:
ROFL!!! No, like, sand, a grain of sand... or something.
Edward_R_Murrow said:
You need to clean me....I like to shine!
That sword was nice, actually.
Hory said:
Did you also cry when you realised you have no life AND your taste in games sucks?
How do you know my taste in games? Just because I played FIFA2007 doesn't mean I like it, you know. My favorite games are actually quite commonly like here at the codex... I also like other genres, however...