So, what we have to understand about Robert is that already when he was 22, he was depressed about how it was not possible to make culture in Estonia. And I agree that it is not possible much. There is no audience here really. Things do not get discussed much.
As he said, not enough Jews.
You surely jest, but despite himself this intellectual crodart has wandered so far blindly into erring that he stumbled over truth. A central premise in what goes for social critique is that the ‘First-World’, or that place which world-finance
occupies directly, benefits greatly from material exploitation of those areas less
‘developed’. Curiously this equation does not only shut out the genuine terrors of such an occupation, on the part of those under the rotting feet of the machine, this financial metropolis, the barren mother, daughter and spawn, as those wilds and beasts not the creation of the Lord, of Cain the scorned one, but also all possibility of
anything beyond its own narratives stemming from autopoiesis. Even on the most basic of materialist terms, that is, anything more compleat than the mercantile analysis, which is tellingly not much fought by power and so widespread, it is beyond insufficient for escaping the gravity-well of the concerns of finance. Yet this makes up the cosmography of most who would oppose power.
The first victims of this parasite are those closest to her bosom, and cultural infertility is one of the cursed poxes she grants them. Estonia is not the heart of Power, it’s a nation of people living in service to it. What are they without the gewes of Hollywood, that own publishing and the financial power used to fuel their own cultural nepotistic projects that are spread globally as a part of their imperialist goals? Those that he most adore are the people responsible for the ethnical desolation faced, the spiritual malaise. For converging reasons this is not true in the supposed ‘Third-World’, those parts less ‘developed’. His lament amounts to little more than that Estonians are not the court jesters of capital, but also not poor enough in terms of technology and biology that they are far removed from annihilation.
Clockwork men like him who feign sophistication while being in some demented sense in love with Judeo-Liberalism are a dime a dozen, but few are those that come around and understand the position of the capitalist oligarch gentry consisting of the gewes and the fate worse and more impoverished those closest to them suffer. Due to a lack of the deep crimson, socialism unfettered and unbound, within him there is nothing but a wasteland to wander. There could never be a culture in Estonia without becoming the new hive of terror, the seed of the omega state, the eye of Satan, and so the raison d'être of Tallinn is the stock exchange. There is no reason to grieve Estonian culture, what was it but a series of obscuritanist efforts to veil power and exploitation that the privileged natives impose upon the world? Should they not in the approximation of the present wisdom be filled with empyreal bliss all? And of the Washington and New York capitalist gewes, be ethnically exterminated for their sin of being too White?
Disco Elysium was the stillbirth of a strangled prostitute. A post-modern vacuum. The fading cries of a drunk drowning man struggling for air in the middle of a harbour at midnight.