Is that the No truce for the furries/Disco Elysium dev loved by all Codexers? Hmm.
The "all games need to be banned in order for people to truly see how great my RPG is" dev? Yep lol.
He must be really confident that it can stand on it's own merit. Can't wait.
Fuck you everybody, Disco Elysium is politically super inclusive, it's got both kinds of politics, Leninist and Stalinist
That has nothing to do with the gameplay, though... He's simply (and quite correctly, IMO) pointing out that it's silly for a game about being a hitman to pretend it's not about murdering people.Dishonored and Hitman's gameplay are very much built on the same free-roaming/open level design as Deus-Ex/Thief - but apparently he has a problem with Hitman because because it's masking violence as: "complex systems based creative expression!".
Dishonored: Deus Ex inspired gameplay = bad.
Wolfenstein: Railroad FPS = good.
I could see Prime Junta and Luzur as the core judges in the next season of Project Military Runway.
That's the joke. Ideology doesn't matter to people anymore, the power lies in the accusation rather than the fact. You could be a fucking homeless person, but if I say you look a little "fashy" - you are.Bringing up cop uniforms (from the US even better) as proof against "fashy" design... not the best call
Shut up don't question it or I'll behead you, Nazi.
I don't get you exactly again, you probably have something specific in mind. I can acknowledge all facts dont worry. Where to "flee" to? You can only pick your poison.Haha of course it would. Because no one would acknowledge facts. Like how no one ever flees from a "democratic" place to one that isn't (that's just Nazi talk).I can also ideologically argue about how "democratic" are the police forces in most of "western civilization" at the moment but that would open a very big discussion
What puzzles me is how fascists get triggered when somebody points out that fashy aesthetics look fashy. Shit or get off the can already.
What puzzles me is how fascists get triggered when somebody points out that fashy aesthetics look fashy. Shit or get off the can already.
Does that mean that you want to be gassed or shot in the back of the head?
No self respecting fascist will dress like that communist peasant. When you do mass murdering,at least do it in style and finely dressed.What puzzles me is how fascists get triggered when somebody points out that fashy aesthetics look fashy. Shit or get off the can already.