No, it's lengthy descriptive purple prose written for the writers to wank off over how many adjectives they know. It wears you out because it's just not interesting.
Meanwhile Disco Elysium has kids that keep calling you faggot, a superstitious bookstore owner whose superstitions just mask her insecurities, a buff racist guy who tells you about his race theories, a slimy workers union leader who holds your gun hostage, etc etc. Interesting characters with actual personalities, whose personalities are delivered entirely through dialogue rather than long stretches of descriptive text.
Listen to this man, he knows what he is talking, while there is some big text, few characters are intelectuals and will speak like it, your detective won't go for prose when describing things, at most only using words to describe things in a police like manner, almost as if he was a detective or something.
Text with prose, if done too often and too badly, just comes across as writers pretending to be smarter than they are or assuming the only way for games to "grow up" and be more "artistic" is to copy high art like books or movies, forgetting, you know, that video games are a different medium and that we can see a lot about the world just by walking in it, but DE doesn't do that, heck, put too much points in skills like Encyclopedia and you do get more prose like text, or just way more trivia about the setting, or Drama making things more complicated, and they are treated in-universe as being annoying, pointless and actually detrimental to your investigation in quite a few cases.
No, DE doesn't have a lot in a wall of text because...well, it doesn't need it, people aren't going to go on big dramatic speeches all the time, or think in poetic terms all the damn time, so why should the characters do it when you can have them speak in a more normal fashion?
And it works, you don't get overwhelmed with too much text that makes you sometimes feel like skipping them and you manage to understand everything the game tells you, and even when there is quite a bit of text, it happens so rarely you don't mind...unless you put a ton of skill points at a few skills, honestly, i would avoid putting 7-8 points in any skill, much less two skills with that many points, they can and will talk if you put that many points.