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Lyric Suite

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  • Enjoy fighting Radahn faggot
    Hell Swarm
    Hell Swarm
    Lyric hasn't even got to him yet so I'm 10,000% better by having actually beat him.
    Again, that's just hearsay. Me and Lyric already have a bunch of our bossfights up on YouTube. We aren't hiding anything. I'm not even convinced you've even played Elden Ring judging by the insanity of some of your ER thread posts. Post clips, don't be a pussy.
    Hell Swarm
    Hell Swarm
    I don't have to make videos to prove shit to From drones. If you want to record videos for youtube which no one will watch you can. But I've done my time making videos and live streaming souls games before you even played the series.
    Genre of thread: Lyric Suite discovers a game three years after everybody else and gets really deep into it
    How do you cope with "turn the other cheek", "love your enemies", "forgive your enemies", "pray for those who hurt you", and so forth?

    I'd see the appeal of smugly saying that you're going to pray for the soul of a shit person (while hoping that he rots). But not genuinely trying to love them and pray for their wellbeing (I'd feel nauseous at the very thought of that).

    ... and giving up on vengeance? Pfft.
    Lyric Suite
    Lyric Suite
    Can't answer this with a stupid character limit. I hate this section of the forum.
    I'll try to find a suitable thread to sneak it into at some point. It's probably a pleb question, but I'd love to hear your thoughts on it (as you seem very devout, but not cheek-turning or easily forgiving).
    Post this windmill on 5 other profiles to keep Codex properly air conditioned
    Are you familiar with the writing "Cloud of the Unknowing"? I believe it would be something that is very much of interest to you if you are not.
    Hello, valued Codex poster. Please stop the pyramid quoting, take a second to only quote the last reply or stop replying altogether. Have a pleasant day!
    I feel conflicted. I like Star Trek Voyager, but as you bring up, the characters were very badly written or boring and bland. Likewise that of the political issues that were handled used too much 'strawman' writing (that is probably not proper English but I hope you get what I mean). The older I get the worse Trek holds up.
    How do you manage to maintain your traditionalist/oldfart views on everything?

    I understand that you find them satisfying, but don't you ever feel like no one else understands? Do you make an effort to speak the same language as others?
    Very sensible take on the vaccine thread, btw
    Where do I read up on that notion that artists, intellectuals and priests belong to the same overall category?
    in Traditionalist's fantasies
    In some dusty old books from back when they hadn't discovered that job creators are the true ubermenschen.
    Would you consider G. K. Chesterton to be a genius?
    I'm kind of more interested in Lyric Suit's opinion, but thanks for your input latrine.
    Senpai never answers to the profile comments
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