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Disjointed notes on Hexen, with no relevance or order


Mar 28, 2009
I'm surprised that there hasn't been a Hexen 3 yet... Perhaps a dreaded "re-imagining" :o

Heaven forbid it.

So who owns the rights to Hexen? Is Raven even around anymore? Last game I played from them was Soldier of Fortune 2.

BTW, good read Draq. Hexen is one of my favorite games. I remember when I first got it and I could barely play it because of it's "steep" system req. :lol:

It really did bring map making to all new levels with it's tricks.


Mar 2, 2010
Divinity: Original Sin
Fowyr said:
BTW, everyone who likes Hexen should try Deathkings of the Dark Citadel. It's "more the same" with increased difficulty curve.
Yeah, Deathkings is fun thanks to REALLY upped difficulty. Design not as good as Hexen IMO (and the lack of music was weird and an annoying oversight) but otherwise good fun, if a bit on the short side.

phelot said:
So who owns the rights to Hexen? Is Raven even around anymore? Last game I played from them was Soldier of Fortune 2.
Raven were self-funded at the time IIRC so the rights belonged to them. Probably still do, unless Activision bought the rights to previous franchises too. They're still around, did the new Wolfenstein, Singularity (read some good things about it, some not so good; unsure about quality), and are now working on... Call of Duty 3, as well as Black Ops DLC. So... yeah.

It's like Legend all over again, except within the same genre.


Oct 24, 2007
Chrząszczyżewoszyce, powiat Łękołody
Sceptic said:
DraQ said:
But that would make them... cliffracers!?
Never understood the hatred for cliffracers TBH. There were never THAT many in my games, and sniping them with long/crossbows was a lot of fun. And the occasional one that manages to sneak up from above and attack while I'm busy with something else always caused a WHAT THE FUUUUUUUUUU jump of surprise. Good times.
Well, they could get quite numerous, but personally I didn't mind either, I could usually get rid of them rather efficiently.
Still, neither them or Disciples were particularly interesting enemies, my main problem with disciples is that they weren't particularly dangerous, but could still take a beating when you've already got rid of their primary advantage - even one sided HP attrition is boring.

As you may have guessed by now (and by what I like in STALKER), I like my games to annoy me once in a while, provided it's the more entertaining kind of annoyance.
Hmm... Do you remember Poltergeists in the mine in Red Forest in CS?

Yes, those poltergeists in that mine.

:smug: :smug: :smug:

As looks and look of attack yes, they were also far, FAR less dangerous. They went from FFFFFFFFFFUUUUUUU to meh, just another mook to be easily dispatched, hence my disappointment with them. Now, having them attack you at the same time as the Heresiarch, on the other hand...
Well, their attack was homing, and Disciples weren't particularly threatening when alone either and while in swarm, individual HPs matter less.

Still Heretic seemed to have more weapons (or at least "weapon modes") thanks to the Tome, and it was nice that so many weren't hitscan.
Tomed variants were pretty awesome, it's the unpowered ones I have major problems with.

And Q2 AI was praised? really? I mean I love the game and all, but AI was really quite forgettable, especially compared to H2 bosses and to Unreal that came out just a year after it. And let's not even mention TN.
I think so, at least from what I remember of reviews (which were actually somewhat indicative of game's quality back then).

Baffling, I know, the AI only knew how to zigzag with painful regularity, and crouch in plain sight if zigzagging somehow (I wonder why?) didn't help them against getting hit. Oh, and getting stuck in doorways - it was also Stroggs' forte.

It's the one that's best at having so many unrelated-looking areas fit together. Seminary hub was a bit more samey-looking with the Chapels, Shadow Wood and Citadel hubs were always my favorites for environment variety, even if I like Chapel designs a lot too. What I also really like in SW is that you can get to the exit door pretty quickly and easily - and then you can get a pretty good idea of what it is you're supposed to do to open it.
In before someone complaining that Hexen was about running around giant hubs, hunting switches and not knowing what to do.


Mar 2, 2010
Divinity: Original Sin
DraQ said:
my main problem with disciples is that they weren't particularly dangerous, but could still take a beating when you've already got rid of their primary advantage - even one sided HP attrition is boring.
What, you would've preferred they do more damage? Fine with me :smug:

Hmm... Do you remember Poltergeists in the mine in Red Forest in CS?
Yes, but it's the Cordon machinegunner I had in mind.
:rage: :rage: :rage: :rage:
I love hate lovehate that MG. Single most frustrating AND single most awesome moment in the game.

Well, their attack was homing
I liked the spiral pattern actually, as it made avoiding them harder, and it meant they could sometimes get you around a corner. Always fun when it happened.

Oh, and getting stuck in doorways - it was also Stroggs' forte.
You just reminded me :lol:

Anyway DraQ, did you try Deathkings?


Oct 24, 2007
Chrząszczyżewoszyce, powiat Łękołody
Sceptic said:
DraQ said:
my main problem with disciples is that they weren't particularly dangerous, but could still take a beating when you've already got rid of their primary advantage - even one sided HP attrition is boring.
What, you would've preferred they do more damage? Fine with me :smug:
I usually prefer when enemies do more damage but take less in games.

I don't enjoy high HP combat in general.

Anyway DraQ, did you try Deathkings?
No, but what I'd really want to try is Portals of Praevus.


Mar 2, 2010
Divinity: Original Sin
Try both then! :)

Deathkings is really just more-Hexen. Same weapons, same monsters, same items, only new levels. If you thought Hexen was too easy you'll like this one, as it ups the difficulty significantly. Do patch though (unless your versions comes prepatched)

Portal of Praveus, OTOH, adds quite a bit. New character (demoness) with 4 new weapons (and 4 Tome powered versions of course). Demoness is quite fun to play though not my favorite. IIRC there's also a few new enemies, and the level design is high quality. Definitely worth it.

PM me if you have trouble finding the original or a full CD image (depending on your preference)


Mar 28, 2009
I felt Portal of Praevus was actually better then the original.

Deathkings was fun


Jun 26, 2010
Hexen was about running around giant hubs, hunting switches and not knowing what to do.


Nov 24, 2005
Sceptic said:
Weren't they? Almost like Skaarj prototypes. Why was Q2 praised for its AI is beyond me.
... you just reminded me this was on Q1 engine.
And Q2 AI was praised? really? I mean I love the game and all, but AI was really quite forgettable, especially compared to H2 bosses and to Unreal that came out just a year after it. And let's not even mention TN.

It was, I remember now that it's been mentioned. I only remember the mentioned zigzagging movement and the enemies dodging your shots and missiles with much success, some of them kneeling down to avoid getting hit. It was good for its time, I guess but I don't remember clearly.

I never understood how Quake 2 managed to catch on with such utter shit colours and shit level design. The first time I played Quake, I was in shock. From everything original Quake to everything Quake 2... Most disappointing. But I admit, as a graphic whore, that I was totally stunned by how even bullet puffs were polygonal meshes and I enjoyed the particle effects.


Speaking of annoying enemies, fucking Slaughtaurs. These fuckers have tons of health, can shoot fireballs that do tons of damage, and whenever they attacked, they put up a shield that reflects projectiles and makes them COMPLETELY INVULNERABLE for a few seconds. Oh, and they are everywhere in the later hubs. Every time I hear one, I immediately start spamming my final weapons. Fuckers cost me so much mana :x


DraQ said:
What class do you play?
Cleric, usually. I have played as all the classes (not all the way through as fighter), though, and mages can put them down pretty fast, thanks to Arc of Death. I don't know how a fighter would fare. How good are those exploding hammers?


Oct 24, 2007
Chrząszczyżewoszyce, powiat Łękołody
ElecTriCotter said:
DraQ said:
What class do you play?
Cleric, usually. I have played as all the classes (not all the way through as fighter), though, and mages can put them down pretty fast, thanks to Arc of Death. I don't know how a fighter would fare. How good are those exploding hammers?
Pretty strong, actually.

How does the firestorm fare against slaughtaurs?
If the answer is "badly", then you may want to expend some flechettes.

And yeah, Arc of Death pretty much slaughtaurs them.


DraQ said:
ElecTriCotter said:
DraQ said:
What class do you play?
Cleric, usually. I have played as all the classes (not all the way through as fighter), though, and mages can put them down pretty fast, thanks to Arc of Death. I don't know how a fighter would fare. How good are those exploding hammers?
How does the firestorm fare against slaughtaurs?
If the answer is "badly", then you may want to expend some flechettes.
Firestorm is okay, but it takes a lot of time and mana. It can't stun lock them, so it's completely useless for taking them out fast. I have 25 flechettes and disks of repulsion burning a hole in my pack, so I think it's time for Slaughtaurs to get some flying death gas to the face.


Mar 2, 2010
Divinity: Original Sin
Wait... you're complaining about slaughtaurs while playing a fucking CLERIC?


Poison stunlocks them. Drop one flechette through the passage they have to pass through to get to you, sit back and sip your tea. Renew flechette as needed.

Cleric's are waaaaaaaaaaay too cheesy.


Mar 29, 2009
Always played as mage. Saphire wand is the best weapon in the game, really. Find the good place and shoot, shoot, shoot... :M
Should really try another classes one day, never made with them past Guardian of Fire.


Sceptic said:
Cleric's are waaaaaaaaaaay too cheesy.
Heh. Just fought Heresiarch in the seminary. Whole battle went like this:


Switched to firestorm when he started spamming his protection spell. His dark bishops didn't even get an attack in.

On a related note: holy shit.


Mar 29, 2009
Started as Cleric on Cardinal. Game style really changed. Afrits now not a mild nuisance, but a powerful foe, Chaos Serpents are deadly. Gladly, flechettes indeed are awesome. Almost never used them when played as mage.


Mar 2, 2010
Divinity: Original Sin
Mage flechette are probably the least useful. As for cleric, it's the hardest class at first (mace is like fists but weaker), but by the time you get the poison staff they're well on their way to becoming the strongest.


Mar 2, 2010
Divinity: Original Sin
DraQ said:
It's also quite a bit longer, with little practice you can beat ettins into 'contrition' with impunity.
Not a problem against ettins, but against serpents and imps - which you'd want to kill as quickly as possible in melee since they can roast you with ranged attacks. You don't need to deal with many serpents before finding the staff, but those you do need to deal with end up making one tough beginning. Gets easier afterwards.

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