Ive been playing Classic and Tactician with removed bloat whole day.
The differences are either non existent or minimal.
Crocs are completely same in both, Turtles are the same, Poisoned frogs in the cave are the same and the fight in Prison is completely the same. Same numbers of enemies, same level, same stats, same skills and the same Ai behavior. The only difference are those buffed stats of armor, damage and HP.
Im just about to go fight the guardians in Withermore soul jar tomb on Classic to see if there is any difference there compared to Tactician (with bloat removed), but ive been at it all day so i need to take a break, maybe even sleep.
Ive only noticed that the first two voidwoken on the beach have an additional "vampiric" ability, which of course doesnt mean anything in that case because they just life steal a point or two.
The rare differences seem to be just those additional abilities, usually just one. I presume i will see those in other fights further on, but it isnt applied to every enemy group or encounter. Even when it is, most likely its a single ability or "aura" that just buffs the same basic three stats even more, or something that doesnt make a big difference.