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    "This message is awaiting moderator approval": All new users must pass through our moderation queue before they will be able to post normally. Until your account has "passed" your posts will only be visible to yourself (and moderators) until they are approved. Give us a week to get around to approving / deleting / ignoring your mundane opinion on crap before hassling us about it. Once you have passed the moderation period (think of it as a test), you will be able to post normally, just like all the other retards.
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  • I don't want to see you banned. You're not a horrible poster. Get rid of that line in your signature before it's too late (read: before DU wakes up and happens to notice it).

    - The Sheriff
    Today we are all Tovi.
    Seigneur Locklear
    Seigneur Locklear
    J̵̢̯̪̩̻̺̘̦̞͓̈́̽͆̌̍̾͛̔̇̌͊̃̽͘͘̕͠e̷̢͇̎̇͊ ̶͉̖̻͖̻̘̯̥͇̺̈́̿́͐͠s̸̖̬͔̟̟̞̟̔͂́̐̍͝u̸̲̝̟͍̩̯̯̙͈͔̘̩̞͎̩̜̱̹̹̲̞̞̯̻͊̽͘͜į̵̧̣͕͔̖̠̣̰͎̩̬̓̈́́̽̾̐̐̂ͅs̵̛̤̩̻̞͚͔̹͇̹̯̗̋̓̎̅̄́̉̎͂͝ͅ ̵̡̡̢̗̩͈͕̼̣̞̜̞̲̭̬̻͕̥̽͜ͅͅͅT̵̻͉͙͎̮͎̩̦̳͔̩͇̞͈̈͗̀̅̾̉̓͛͒̎̎̕ơ̵̛̖͍̤͇͖͖̩̺͚̠̜̺̼̭̲͓̈́͋̊̓͛̾̀̈́̑̿͊͌̅̀̕̕̕̕͜͝͝͝v̵̬͙̻̹̙͎̰̦͎̲̫̱̖̳̝̗͔͕̼͉̗̻͓͑̑̐̀̉̅̍̉̆̑̽͒̒͆̀̈̄̽̌͐̎̈́̔͑͘̕ͅͅi̵̧̢͓̥͈͙̘̺̩̥̰͓̫̞͈̘̼̙̝͎̰̒̏̓͌̏̄̓͂̈̓͛̅̑͆͆̋͘̚̕̚͜͝.̷͔͈̮̹̏́̈́͠
    Too late.
    Whats spending your life in a basement like? Does the sun hurt you? Can you even get an erection? Where you born intersex or did your super low T effeminate lifestyle turn you this way?
    Saying certain before that is redundant. Know the translation of the sayings you use please. You kids do the darndest things! Go intersex kids of the codex!
    Lithium Flower
    Lithium Flower
    Dude, you can't believe how hard I lucked out in the genetic lottery. I can experience the male AND female orgasm at the same time. Shit is fucking cash, yo :D
    One basement dweller asking another basement dweller how does it feel being a basement dweller on a forum populated by basement dwellers.
    Tell your mother I said hi and Merry Christmas. Give her a kiss for me. Tell her I'm sorry society let her down so badly be inflicting such low T, low sperm, low quality, low IQ men on her. I believe survivors. Especially ones that had to suffer through raising an effeminate gender fluid fish kid.
    What do you guys have some sort of third world savages support group for intersex effeminate Eurofish? Some sort of NATO alliance of codex soyboys?
    Bocian I came across two (2) of his retarded posts and rated them retarded. He proceeded to lose what little remained of his mind.
    What did your mother say when you told her I said hello? Anything about succulent hotdogs? Or anything like that? What are the exact words?
    Luckmann....more like Cuckman amirite....or.....maybe.....Cockman as in you like to suck black cocks, hispanic cocks and jap cocks???? :smug:
    Where did you get that glorious tag ;)
    Hahahahaha be a good goyim and worship infinidron!

    It is amusing how sometimes he goes really butthurt :). Most of the time he is pretty tick skinned,i even respect him for that ....unless he is updating his .txt
    I never intend to hurt our beloved Infinibot, but he knows just where to hurt me by giving me "Zionist Agent" instead of "Literally Hitler".
    Ahhh don't wore mate,we all know you well enough. Take it more like "literally Goebbels ".
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