"Speaking more generally, as I may have hinted towards… if there's a group that I'd be most willing to "short change" (or better stated, since only one group is really benefiting here, I'd be most unwilling to focus on) it'd be the straight male group because within pop culture (games, movies, etc) they are already the beneficiaries of
so much content. So I do not consider it the same level of "inequality" to have them get less options than a different group, as opposed to those other groups.
While I fully expect it to be seen as empty words (since for all the talk of trying to focus more on LGBT representation, lesbians and gay men receive less than straight people), I do consider their cries for representation to have a much more solid grounding than some guys who, for maybe the first time in their gaming life, have to deal with the reality that sometimes not everything is going to fall their way.
I actually don't feel it's necessary for
all our games to have
precisely the sameamount of options for all because sometimes a story/narrative may make sense, and in the case of DAI the alternative would be simply not doing that content instead, which is still unfortunate to anyone that would like that content. I do, however, personally feel a bias towards giving straight male gamers the bonus
at this time because of their lengthy track record of receiving the most focus and content.
So yes, I actually do feel that gay men and lesbians have a touch more reason to be upset… though if a straight man feels upset I won't begrudge them that feeling. I do hope, however, that they can step back and realize the big picture regarding their disappointment and can better empathize with people that are not like themselves going forward".